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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 22, 1974 <br />L <br />for himself. <br />Councilman Helgesson agreed with Councilman Cheney, and thought that <br />some publicity might he given to the County's share of the money, and <br />the Town's portion which amounted to approximately $18,000 of the bond, <br />then the individual voter would be able to decide the matter. <br />Councilwoman Miller motioned that the Council endorse proposition 1 on <br />the June 4th ballot, but it failed for lack of a second. <br />Pro osition #9: Mr. Lawson said that this proposition would amend the <br />tate Const tution, as opposed to the State Election Code, and dealt <br />with campaign reforms. <br />Councilman McReynolds made the motion to Table this discussion, which <br />was seconded by Councilman Helgesson. <br />Councilman Cheney said he could make the statement that individually, he <br />supported the proposition and would vote for it, but felt an endorsement <br />by Council was not in order. <br />Councilman Helgesson commented that his concern was that a Commission <br />would be set up which would be allocated one million dollars per year and <br />whatever other money was necessary to combat inflation. He said that this <br />proposition would not affect Town officials, because only those business <br />concerns within the Town limits needed to be declared. <br />Mayor Grabowski called for the question, and Council unanimously voted <br />to table the discussion on Proposition Q. <br />1. Resolution #773 awarding bid on Town Hall remodeling: <br />City Manager Bruce Lawson summarized the bids received on the proposed <br />remodeling of Torn Hall, and stated that the low bid had been received <br />from the firm of Gearhart and Spivey in the sum of $17,923.00. The bid <br />had been reviewed by the City Manager, City Engineer, Building Official <br />and Architect, who felt that it was reasonable and recommended that <br />Council award the bid to that firm. <br />Councilman Cheney expressed concern that this was not just an expenditure <br />of $17,923.00, because the remodeling of the Town Hall for additional <br />office space would necessitate the expenditure of additional money for the <br />construction of a new Council Chamber. He suggested that the original <br />pian for extending the present offices in a northerly direction might be <br />adequate and would not interfere with the capability of holding public <br />meetings. He also noted that Mr. Minckley, architect, had been very <br />patient, and suggested that he be recompensed for any additional work he <br />might do on the Town's behalf. <br />-2- <br />