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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:45:16 PM
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7/27/2015 2:08:09 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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ucm <br />CITY roumcIL MIHUT[S - nay 22, 1974 <br />Councilman Helgesson commented that there had been a plan for the type <br />of extension referred to by Councilman Cheney which had been discussed <br />very thoroughly at past meetings. He said this plan started last summer <br />at the meeting of August 15, 1973, and Mr. Hinckley was requested to ask <br />for bids on that set-up. The bids were rejected on Sept. 5th, and, on <br />that basis, Mr. Hinckley was asked to refine the plan. On Oct. 17th, <br />Mr. Hinckley came back to Council with the revised plans on the Town Hall <br />expansion. This plan was to house all Departments in one building. <br />Councilman Helgesson stated that Council had discussed this matter further <br />at their meetings of Dec. 5th, Jan. 16th, and on February 6, 1974, heard a <br />proposal from the City Manager to try to do the necessary remodeling with <br />Town employees. Since the remodeling involved the use of public monies, <br />the job was required to be put out for bids, which were before Council <br />now. He felt that for Council to go back to the original plans would be <br />taking a step backward, and he was of the opinion that Council should <br />"get the show on the road." <br />Councilman Helgesson moved to adopt the necessary Resolution awarding the <br />bid to Gearhart and Spivey, and Councilwoman Miller seconded the motion. <br />In response to a question by Councilwoman Miller, Mr. Lawson noted that <br />the present bid was valid for thirty days from the bid opening. He also <br />i noted that if the Federal Revenue Sharing funds were not encumbered by <br />June 3g, 1974, the money would revert to the Federal Government. In order <br />to change plans for the expenditure of these funds, the Town must serve <br />notice and conduct public hearings, and there was not enough time to do so, <br />unless an extension of time were granted by the Secretary of the Treasury. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Fred Brutschy, Magdalena Ave.:Regarding costs of replacing Council <br />i:hambers. <br />Mr. Grover Cox,Conejo Ct.: Expressed concern over "big government." <br />Mrs. Alma !Mood, Sumnitwood Road: Asked why this matter was not on Council <br />agenda a moot ago. punt responded that the matter had been on-going <br />over a period of several months. <br />Mr. Grench, Conejo Court: Asked several questions relating to structure <br />an wet t wou affect a corporation yard. <br />Mr. Gardner Bullis, Manuelia Ct. <br />Mrs. M. Gallo, Laf.anne Ct.: Regarding length of time new plans had been <br />su tte an a t e oven's philosophy of minimum government. <br />firs. Irma Goldsmith, Elena Road: Regarding replacement costs for new <br />Chambers and inquiring about possibility of the Town's buying the Gardner <br />Bullis School. <br />-3- <br />
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