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rr <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 22, 1979 <br />A discussion ensued then between Council members and Mr. Minckley <br />reqarding possible costs of replacing the Council Chambers, whether <br />the proposed Chambers would be within the required setback lines, <br />and where the additional money would come from to cover this additional <br />cost. <br />Mr. Lawson explained that Council had determined that present Federal <br />Revenue Sharing monies received by the Town had been earmarked to cover <br />this cost. <br />Councilman McReynolds then called for the question, and Resolution #733 <br />awarding the bid for the remodeling of Town Hall to Gearhart and Spivey <br />passed by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Helgesson, McReynolds, Councilwoman Miller, Mayor <br />Grabowski <br />NO: Councilman Cheney <br />Mayor Grabowski addressed himself to the City Manager, stating that in view <br />of the fact that Council had voted to expend a sum of money close to <br />$60,000, and many citizens would be disappointed who expected to have their <br />roads repaired, he hoped something would appear in the Budget that would <br />satisfy the demands of the citizens in this regard. He thought Staff should <br />expeditiously proceed with road repairs, and that the City Manager's <br />administration would be viewed in a bad light if he did not address this <br />matter promptly. <br />Councilman Cheney commented that in view of the fact that all of the <br />funds set aside for remodelinq purposes would not be used, it might be in <br />order for Council to consider reimbursing Mr. Minckley for some of his <br />time and efforts. He moved that Council and Staff work up a contract to <br />that end. He felt that Mr. Minckley, on that basis, might consider over- <br />seeinq the project to its completion. Councilman Helgesson seconded this <br />motion, and it was unanimously agreed to by Council. <br />5. Budqet Review w/ Ad Hoc Budget Review Committee: <br />Before discussion beqan, Mayor Grabowski asked Chairman Fred Brutschy if <br />his Committee would be willing to undertake an examination of the reports <br />received from citizens regarding assessed valuations and report back to <br />Council with their findings. <br />Mr. Brutschy responded that the charges already before the Committee at <br />the present time was very time consuming, but he would check with the <br />members of his Committee. <br />Re ort b Ad Hoc romnittee: Mr. Brutschy summarized the written report from <br />t e Budnet Commttee or the Council. The Committee felt the budget <br />document was overly complex and must be simplified - that the present <br />'W format was unacceptable. <br />-4- <br />