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CITY COUMCIL MINUTES - flay 22, 19711 <br />The Committee also felt that the data provided in the monthly computer <br />runs was meaningless, and the run was not as useful a tool as it could be. <br />fir. Brutschy went through the remaining items on the report with the <br />Council. Upon completion, Mr. Lawson responded. <br />Mr. Lawsont stated that he agreed with the Committee that the monthly <br />computer run might be revised. He stated that the information provided <br />on the run presently was of use to him, but the subject of changing the <br />format had not come up before, and this could be channed to provide Council <br />with any additional information they may want to see. <br />Discussion ensued between Mr. Brutschy, Council, and City Manager, <br />regarding items contained in the Committee report. Mayor Grabowski asked <br />Mr. Lawson if it would be possible for him to meet with the Committee to <br />see whether suggestions they made could be implemented into the Budget. <br />Mr. Lawson agreed. <br />Councilman Cheney suggested that direction be given to the Budget Review <br />Committee as to what information Council wanted, so that at the next <br />joint meeting, specific line items could be discussed. <br />Sneaking from the Floor: <br />Commissioner J. Carico, O'Keefe Lane: Inquired about Committee's review <br />of Panning Budget. <br />Mrs. A. Wood, Member of Budget Committee: Stated that the Committee would <br />like to have an interoretat on o t e ublic WorkS Budget. <br />6. ADJOURNMENT: <br />The meetinn was adjourned at 6:30 PM to the Regular Meeting of the City <br />Council on June 5, 1974 at 7:45 PM. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />