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`„ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 5, 1974 <br />to Councilman Cheney, who also served on the Committee for further <br />elaboration. <br />Councilman Cheney stated that the Committee had considered several <br />locations for the corporation yard, among them being the present location <br />at Town Hall, surrounded by a wall and shrubs; property off Purissima <br />next to the Little League ball field, and the Town -owned property at the <br />corner of Edith and Fremont. However, before Council decided on a <br />location, he felt a basic concept must be established; that is, does the <br />Town want to keep the equipment it has. If the equipment was to be <br />kept, then the Townspeople would have to face the responsibility that some <br />place must be found for its storage. <br />Councilwoman Miller also stated that in deference to the neighbors and <br />the meeting which had been held over the past several months, that Council <br />should make a decision on this matter. <br />Councilman Helgesson stated that when the land at the corner of Edith and <br />Fremont was given to the Town, it was donated with the idea that it would <br />remain in open space. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />F1r. Oscar Sobel Christo hers Lane: Asked if Town had explored the <br />poss b ty o us <br />no <br />t e q way Dept.'s Corporation Yard off Page Mill <br />and IS280. Mr. Lawson replied' that it had, and received negative reply <br />from the State. <br />Fir. Lawrence Tarleton Middlebur Lane, Los Altos: Presented petition of <br />surroun inn n" ' ars n area o t an remont against the building <br />of any structure on this property. <br />After further discussion, Councilman McReynolds moved that the City <br />Manager be instructed to investigate alternatives of selling Town equip- <br />ment <br />findingscontracting <br />nextkmeeting.needed, <br />Councilnunanimously favoredu <br />usuch an <br />report, which would be made at Council's first meeting in July. <br />F. CURRENT BUSINESS: <br />1. Proposed Sewer Assessment District M10: <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />woman Miller that because the environmental impact assessment concluded that <br />the project would not havea significant effect on the environment, a negative <br />determination be declared. The motion passed by the following roll tail vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, Councilwoman Miller, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: Councilman McReynolds. <br />-4- <br />