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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 5, 1974 <br />Thereafter, Mayor Grabowski stated that this was the time and place <br />set for hearing for Sewer Assessment District 010; that notices have <br />been posted, published and mailed pursuant to the law and affidavits <br />of said posting, publishing and mailing are on file in the office of <br />the City Clerk. He also declared this to be a hearing on the Engineer's <br />Report under the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, which included <br />plans, specifications, estimate of costs, description of properties to <br />be acquired, assessment diagram, and a proposed assessment. He said <br />any one of these items may be the subject of protest or endorsement. <br />The Mayor further stated that all written protests would be computed <br />in the protest percentage which had been filed with the Town Clerk by <br />June 5, 1974 at 7:45 PM; that other protests or endorsements may be made <br />by any person interested, but only written protests filed by the owners <br />of the property may be considered in determining the percentage of <br />protests. <br />The Mayor stated that he did not wish to restrict anyone's presentation, <br />but asked the public to avoid repeating statements and information that <br />has already been provided. The hearing was declared open, and the City <br />Clerk was asked to report on the various affidavits and notices given in <br />connection with the hearing. <br />City Clerk Bruce Lawson stated that notices had been posted, published <br />and mailed in accordance with the provisions of law and affidavits of <br />posting, publishing and mailing were on file in his office. <br />Mr. Morgan Johnson, 11460 Sumnitwood Road, introduced himself as the <br />Engineer of Work pertaining to Sewer Assessment District N10. He stated <br />that he was a duly registered civil engineer since 1946, and so registered <br />in California since 1968. He earned a B.S. and M.S. deqree in civil <br />engineering at Iowa State University, and a PhD in civil engineering at <br />Purdue University. His professional experience covered 35 years, some in <br />University teaching, some in employment by public agencies, and some as <br />a consultant. As Assistant City Engineer in Phoenix, Arizona, he was <br />responsible for all public work design, including many improvement districts. <br />As head of a consulting firm in Detroit, Michigan and Phoenix, he provided <br />plans and specifications for many sanitary sewer projects. He is currently <br />ch34,rman of the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineerinn Mechanics <br />at the University of Santa Clara. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that he was appointed Engineer of Work for this <br />Special Assessment District by the Town Council, and was directed to make <br />and file with the City Clerk a report in writing consisting of maps and <br />descriptions of the lands and easements to be acquired, if any, plans and <br />specifications and estimate of the costs and expenses, including incidental <br />expenses of the acquisitions and improvements, and assessments in accord- <br />ance with the benefit and an assessment diagram. This report was prepared <br />and filed with the Clerk, and is made a part of the record. <br />`, The remaing portion of Mr. Morgan Johnson's prepared statement, entitled <br />"Statement by the Engineer of Work Pertaining to Sewer Assessment <br />District H10", is on file with the Town Clerk, and is hereby considered <br />a part of the official Minutes of this meeting. <br />-5- <br />
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