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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/19/2016 1:45:23 PM
Creation date
7/27/2015 2:12:23 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 12, 1974 <br />to the requirements for a path on the easterly side of the property <br />since there were two other pathways already in that area. <br />Mayor Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilman Helgesson, and unanimously <br />approved to amend the Check List of conditions as follows: <br />#4. Road cuts shall be warped back to the satisfaction of the Town <br />Engineer and the Enviror.%ntal Design Committee. <br />V. The three existing structures lying in a southerly direction on <br />the Tentative Mau, shall be allowed to renin for a period no <br />longer than five years, or until the permanent residence is built. <br />After further discussion on the path requirements, Mr. Fritschle asked <br />Council to allow the requirement to renin, with the understanding that <br />the Developer could request an abandonment if the path were not needed. <br />Council agreed that Condition #14 should be so amended. <br />MOTION. SECOMOED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Mayor Grabowski and unanimously carried that the Tentative Map for the <br />subdivision be accepted subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning <br />Commission and as amended above by Council action. <br />Council unanimously voted to extend Adjournment time to hear Special <br />Presentation by Mr. Hinckley. <br />Mr. Hilton Minckley, Architect for the remodeling plans for Town Hall <br />requested that Council check several revisions he had made to his <br />plan so a change order could be implemented. <br />After studying the plan and hearing the reasons for the changes, Council- <br />man McReynolds moved that the changes be approved provided there would be <br />no additional expenditure of money. Councilwoman Miller asked Council- <br />man McReynolds to amend his motion to also read that Mr. Minckley be <br />named the Architect of Record and be given the authority to make any small <br />changes he felt was necessary in the course of the remodeling. Council <br />then agreed that Mr. Minckley should be able to authorize any change up <br />to $50 without Council consent, and the Mayor was designated as the <br />authority to initial any change order. Councilman Cheney seconded the <br />motion and it was unanimously approved by Council. <br />G. NEH BUSIFESS: <br />1. Introduction of Ordinance # an Ordinance of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills amending Title TV the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by <br />adding thereto Chapter 5 entitled "Bicycles". <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Mayor <br />Grahrnwski and unanimously carried to waive further reading of the Ordinance <br />AW and to introduce the Ordinance by its title. <br />-3- <br />
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