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CITY SDOPCIL '1I177S - Jul/ P2, 1974. <br />im <br />Speaking from the `lour: <br />9s. Re':s ^re�.�9er Palo Alto Planning nenartment: Stated that Palo <br />M ,a rice ve a not ce o rezon n9 n ,ar She said the Planninn <br />ne?artnent had looked to see if the impact would be significant on the <br />City. She said that Palo Alto did not see any problem -with the proposed <br />new umin�, and if the property were ever annexe,4 to the City., it would <br />be zoned Open Space. <br />Nr. `ader said he would check with County Planning on Tuesday, and based <br />on tFe information receved, he and Councilman McReynolds would properly <br />sword the adopted ^esolution M29D. <br />C. ADXq RINF.HT: <br />Council adjourne;'. at 4:5n to an Adjourned 1eeting on wednesda,y, July 31, <br />197/, at 7:30 0.11. in the "ulti purpose Zoom of the Fremont Hills Elementary <br />School. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />°'orma J. "islon <br />Deputy CitY Clerk <br />kw <br />