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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 7, 1974 <br />one year's extension on this request. <br />City Manager Bruce Lawson responded that Staff felt that a two year <br />extension of time might place the Planning Commission and City Council <br />in the position of having to approve a final map thaat the time .t Paight not be <br />in thecpres ntnce with thestudies being conductedeonathe Subdivision Ordinanceshis relatesofo <br />the LA4 Municipal Code. <br />Discussion ensued between Staff and Council concerning the applicant's <br />legal rights, and the reason for the request. <br />Because a separate motion would be required on this topic, motions were <br />made as follows: <br />MOTION SECONDED MID CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Cheney and unanimously carried to adopt the items removed from the Consent <br />Calendar as amended above, with the exception of Item 4 b). <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Helgesson to approve a one year extension for the filing of the Final Map, <br />Koo Subdivision, File #396-72. Motion passed by the followina roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilman Cheney, Helgesson, McReynolds, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: Councilwoman Miller <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports of Standing Committees: <br />a) Public Works Committee re: Altamont Road Repairs: <br />Referencing a written report submitted by the Public !,forks Committee <br />regarding the repairs to Altamont Rsad recommending that an alternative <br />to reconstruction be seriously considered, Mr. Lawson noted that <br />Coun_il had directed Staff to prepare specifications and call for bids <br />at their previous meeting. <br />Mayor Grabowski thought that any Council action shrwl^_ come atter the <br />bids are opened, and Councilman Cheney agreed that tris was warranted. <br />Councilman Ciicney stated that the Public Works Committee ses.;�cd to be <br />floundering as to what,specifically, was expected of them in relation <br />to their charges. He reed excerpts from the Co.mittee's report regarding <br />an informal survey which had been done and their conclusions. Csuacil- <br />nan Cheney said the basic issue here was that the Committee should be <br />a viable Committee, and if Council did not wish this, then the Committee <br />should be disbanded. <br />Councilwoman Miller stated that since Council had already voted in favor <br />of the Altamont Road repairs, that Councilman Cheney's discussion wnuld <br />4101 be more appropriate under the discussion on the Budget. The Mayor agreed <br />-3- <br />