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City Council Minutes
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7/27/2015 2:32:16 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 7, 1974 <br />4W <br />and thought that any argument or rebuttal should be at the time of <br />the bid award or under the Budget discussion. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Matt Altenhofen, Chairman, Public Works Committee: Commented that <br />the Memo from the Committee pointed out the type of things the Committee <br />felt they should get into prior to any decisions being made. He suggested <br />that in the future that any major construction being considered by the <br />Town should be referred to the Committee, and that Council should routinely <br />refer them to the Committee before action was taken. <br />Councilman Cheney moved that that before any major reconstruction and/or <br />contracted maintenance is approved that Council refer them to the Public <br />Works Committee for recommendation, and that Council schedule this matter <br />under "Special Orders" for next Council meeting. Mayor Grabowski seconded <br />the motion which was unanimously approved by Council. <br />Councilwoman Miller, however, commented that Council had made a decision <br />on Capital Improvements Plan, and asked why Council seemed to be backtracking <br />instead of looking forward to next year. Councilman McReynolds also said <br />he would like to see the motion broadened to include a discussion on how <br />the Committee relates to Council. It was agreed by Council that these <br />to topics would be discussed at the next Council meeting. <br />2. Presentations from the Floor: <br />a) Mrs. M. Davenport, Purissima Road: Said the Horsemen's Association <br />would like to upgrade the Town's 'Horses at Home" pamphlet and include <br />a map along with the dos and don'ts of horsemanship. She said the <br />Association was willing to do all the work required, but was requesting <br />that the Town pay the costs of printing. <br />The City Manager commented that any map that might be included at this <br />time would be premature since the Town was currently doing a study of <br />paths and trails. Discussion followed, and it was noted that Mrs. <br />Irma Goldsmith had written the current booklet and she had not baen <br />consulted about the Horsemen's proposal. Council felt that in view of <br />the fact that Mrs. Goldsmith had not been contacted, that the Association's <br />first move should be to contact her regarding her feelings on the matter, <br />and that Council would consider the matter at a later date if some <br />agreement could be reached by both parties. <br />Mrs. A. Idood Stonebrook Drive: Felt Horsemen's Assn. should absorb <br />comp ete costs o any go- et. <br />F9rs. M. Saviano Corte Madera Ct: Felt more was involved in this <br />matter inc u RA9 poss a ego ramifications and urged Council to <br />L consider seriously any future decision that might be made. <br />-4- <br />
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