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` CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 7, 1974 <br />Mr. Lawson explained the City Nanager/City Clerk's summary; city Council <br />budget summary and the Summary of the General Funds. He also explained <br />the funds for Parks and Recreation. <br />Mr. Donald S encer, Sherlock Road: Commented that Council should consider <br />t e n ation actor w en setting a tax rate for the Town. Also spoke on <br />the geologic studies undertaken by the Town and stressed their importance. <br />Mrs. A. t•lood member Budget Review Committee: Commented that the Committee <br />d not w sh to e m nate any essential work necessary by the Town, but was <br />only concerned that in certain instances there might be a duplication of <br />effort. <br />Mrs. M. Saviano Corte Madera Ct.: Expressed her concern that Town was not <br />ge ing is moneys wor as ar as Planning was concerned. <br />Mrs. J. Carico, O'Keefe Lane: Supported the Planning Commission Chairman, <br />Mr. Spencer's, comments regarding the geologic survey, and asked that <br />Commissioner Lachenbruch be given the opportunity to address the question. <br />Commissioner A. Lachenbruch Plannin Commission re resentative: Referred <br />Counc to etters rom t e ounty ann ng Department an the U. S. Geologic <br />that <br />Survey which <br />that d the ethe kTown had of uan obligationntoch stuies, adaprovidlso e t <br />such <br />vital information for planning purposes. <br />Mrs. Gallo LaLanne Court: Felt that Town should pay for portion of such <br />stu ies, ut t at new eve opments should assume some of the costs. <br />Discussion ensued between public, Staff and Council regarding the Town's <br />liabilities, how protected the Town would be even if the studies were done, <br />and what alternatives might be available. <br />Mr. Lloyd Russell, Recreation leader Purissima School: Concerned about the <br />Bu get evmew Committee s recommen atmons. Urged Council to continue its <br />support of the Program, which he felt was needed. He did not agree with the <br />change of location suggested by the Committee. <br />Council unanimously voted to extend the time on this item, and the Mayor closed <br />the public hearing portion of the Budget at 9:40 P.M. <br />The following will be a capsule of discussions which ensued relative to each <br />item undertaken by Council. The pages referred to are pages in the City Manager's <br />proposed Budget; <br />GENERAL FUMD - City Council Supplies and Other Expenses - Page 12: <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />woman Miller and unanimously carried to approve the revised total of $3,930 for <br />this item. <br />-6- <br />