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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - September 4, 1974 <br />Mr. Hinckley, on behalf of the Committee, was requesting Council's approval <br />to put the E1 Monte median strip project out for bid. <br />To clarify questions regarding the $4500 which had been budgeted, Mr. <br />Lawson explained0 was for e of the needed,mandeatfor theProfessional <br />ei <br />endofthe <br />year some of the money could be used for plants. He said the money did not <br />include capital improvements, but these should be supplemental appropriations, <br />which would come out of the unappropriated reserve budget. <br />After further discussion, Council asked that Mr. Hinckley submit the plans <br />for the E1 Monte improvements before any decision was made. The matter was <br />put on the September 18th agenda. <br />Report on Town Hall Remodeling: <br />Discussion ensued on estimated completion date of the new Council Chambers, <br />landscaping plans and alternatives which might save the Town money. Mr. <br />Hinckley said that landscaping plans for the Town Hall property would be <br />submitted no later than the first Council meeting in November. <br />When it was suggested that a citizen's group do the landscaping, the Mayor <br />and Council were amenable, but felt that definitive plans should be sub- <br />mitted before any decision was made. <br />G. ADJOURNMENT: <br />Council adjourned at 9:00 P.H. to an Executive Session on Thursday, SOt. 5, <br />1974 for Personnel reasons. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />to <br />