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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 20, 1974 <br />2. City Attorney: <br />Mr. Gillio addressed Council concerning three claims which had been filed <br />against the Town as follows: <br />a) Claim filed with almost every city and county within the State of <br />California on behalf of three individuals on behalf of themselves and all <br />other persons in their class relating to the demand for monies paid following <br />conviction on misdemeanor drunk driving charges. Mr. Gillio recommended <br />that Council, under Section 910.8 of the Government Code, give notice to <br />the claimants that defects in the claim, namely, failure to designate the <br />public employees causing the claimed injury or damage; failure to include <br />the amounts claimed, and failure to insert the name and address of each <br />claimant and the date, place, and circumstance of each occurrence. <br />b) Claim by Mr. Harry L. Belin for damages to his property by the contractor <br />performing the work on S.A.D. H10. Mr. Gillio recommended that this claim <br />be rejected and forwarded to the insurance carrier. <br />c) Claim of Gerard Homes, Inc., demanding the return of certain amounts of <br />money paid as storm drainage fees, roof permit fees and bedroom fees. Mr. <br />Gillio recommended that this claim be rejected. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Helgesson and unanimously carried to accept the recommendations of the City <br />Attorney on Claims a), b), and c) above. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />The Mayor announced that Council was in agreement that Item E 1, Actions on <br />recommendations from Joint Study Session of September 24th, should be carried <br />over to the next meeting because of the time factor of the evening's agenda. <br />2. Public Hearings: <br />a) Variance for reduction of side yard, Lands of Manolakos, File <br />NV7010-74. <br />Planning Consultant Tom Vlasic explained the reasons the Planning Commission <br />had recommended the granting of this variance, and referred Council to the <br />Staff memo regarding this matter. <br />Mayor Grabowski declared the public hearing open: <br />Speaking, from the Floor: <br />Mr. Pete Manolakos, Applicant: Regarding reasons variance was necessary for <br />a swimming pooi site. <br />There being no further comments from the floor, the Mayor declared the Public <br />44W Hearing closed. <br />-4- <br />