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CITYCOUNCILMINUTES - December 4, 1974 <br />GENERAL ORDERS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />d) cont'd: <br />AYE: Councilman Helgesson, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: Councilman Cheney, Councilwoman Miller <br />ABSENT: Councilman McReynolds <br />2. Consideration of Open Space Committee: <br />Councilwoman Miller presented her recommendation to Council that an Ad Hoc <br />Open Space Committee be formed for a period of not more than three months, <br />for the purpose of studying possible open space acquisition and establishing <br />a priority list for any future purchases. She suggested that if such a <br />Committee is formed, the charges should be: 1) Research records to determine <br />what open space is available for purchase; 2) Determine method by which land <br />can be purchased; 3) Establish priority list. <br />Councilwoman Miller felt this could be done without the expenditure of any <br />Town's funds, and the Committee could come up with definite recommendations <br />so that the Planning Commission and Council would have a solid plan for the <br />acquisition of open space. <br />OAV Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mrs. T. Schick, Weston Road: "I strongly feel there isn't a need for an Open <br />Space Committee on Los Altos Hills. I fought, and I will continue to fight, <br />to retain the founding concepts of our Town. Los Altos Hills provided for <br />open space by requiring one acre minimum, single family dwellings when it <br />incorporated nineteen years ago next month. Open space provision has further <br />been increased by our slope density zoning ordinance where the number of lots <br />decrease according to the slope of the land. We were, and are willing to pay <br />to maintain the minimum one acre requirement. Our Town presently owns 79+ <br />acres of Byrne Preserve, the O'Keefe acreage, land on W. Edith and Fremont, <br />and the recreation land on Purissima. <br />"In 1970, before the Mid-Peninsual Regional Park District was formed, before <br />the purchase by them of the Blair and Perhem acreage, 1800 residents of Los <br />Altos Hills were surveyed by the Los Altos Hills Association. Two of the <br />questions asked of them were: 'Do we have sufficient open land?' The majority <br />of the replies were 'yes'. The second question asked was, 'Should we spend <br />additional taxes to obtain more open space?' The majority of the replies were <br />'no'. <br />"We are presently being taxed $.10 per $100 assessed valuation for the Mid- <br />Peninsual Regional Park District. There is a limit to the load the taxpayer <br />can bear. He has to buy, maintain, police, and then carry the open space which <br />46, pays no taxes. Let's set our goals in preserving our Town and not working to <br />exclude people who want to live in a minimum one acre zoning, single family <br />Town, like Los Altos Hills." <br />-4- <br />