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CCMMUNICATIOBS (cont.) <br />Y 5. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors sent a copy of their resolution <br />�r adopting "Goals and Policies for Housing". <br />Councilman Grabowski stated he was not in accord with thin resolution as it represents <br />simply a rehash of the joint housing element that the Council had rejected a year or <br />so ago. Councilman Grabowski moved to reject this resolution and return it to the <br />County Board of Supervisors as unacceptable. Council nan Kubby felt this was out of <br />order as the Town was not asked to approve this resolstion, that it was for the <br />Town's information only. Councilman Grabowski agreed with Councilman Kubby but felt <br />the Town should be able to express their opinion. Ma/or Helgesson felt this item <br />should be brought up under "Other Business by Councilnen" on the agenda. Councilman <br />Grabowski withdrew his motion. <br />6. The City of Palo Alto sent a copy of their "Resolition Opposing Southern Pacific <br />Transportation Company's Proposed Increase in Fessengsr Fares". <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Miller and <br />carried unanimously that the Town express their support for Palo Alto in their <br />opposition to a rate increase and address this support in a letter to the Public <br />'itilities Commission. <br />7. Letter from Mrs. Florence Fava regarding the E1 Retiro Jesuit Retreat Property. <br />Mrs. Fava Is requesting the Town to write to the City of Los Altos requesting the <br />change of the sphere of influence boundary between Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. <br />General discussion ensued. We. Pave spoke on her request for the Town to write to <br />the City of Los Altos. W. A.M. Paws asked that since the formal annexation has <br />taken place, what sense was it to talk of the sphere of influence at this time. <br />Councilman Grabowski suggested a letter be written, signed by the Mayor and sent to <br />the City of Los Altos emphasizing the Town's viewpoint on this annexation and asked <br />for a delay until the two cities could review all the circumstances. Councilman <br />Miller felt the Town should restate their understanding of the "Gentlemen's Agreement" <br />Mayor Helgesson stated he would write a letter to the City of Los Altos. <br />8. Letter from Sidney W. Benson regarding the shooting of their dog. <br />Councilman Grabowski stated he talked with Mrs. Benson today and advised her that the <br />Town was considering the restriction of fire arms. Councilman Kubby suggested that <br />the Staff notify Mrs. Benson when this item would be before the Council. <br />9. Letter from Mrs. Frank Gorman regarding Council action. <br />10. Letter from Mrs. Thomas L. Martin regarding Building Permit fees. <br />ANNOUNC04ENTS: <br />1. Staff announced that during the week of January 27 through February 4, 1973, at <br />9:30 A.M. through 4:30 P.M., historical articles and drawings would be placed on <br />exhibit at Town Hall. On Saturday, January 27th, there will be an Open House <br />at Town Hall celebrating the Town's 17th Birthday. Cake will be served. <br />2. The Inter City Council meeting will be held Thursday, December 4, 1972 at <br />6:00 P.M. at the Sandpiper in Cupertino. Topics to be discussed are: Review of <br />911 Telephone System; PPC Findings Regarding Annual Arrangement. <br />'2' <br />