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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />VARIANCE TO REDUCE REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 30' TO 20' FOR A SWIMMING POOL AT <br />26755 RCBLEDA COURT. APPLICANT: ROBERT W. DE GRASSE (V-379-72) <br />Mr. Jerry Crabtree, Consulting Town Engineer, reviewed this variance request stating <br />that this item was carried over from the last meeting to give the applicant time to <br />respond to the Planning Commission's recommendations. The applicant has now indicated <br />that they are willing to comply with the Planning Commission's recommendations. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously that the Variance request of Robert W. DeGrasse (V-379-72) to <br />reduce rear yard setback from 30' to 20' for a swimming pool at 26755 Robleda Court <br />be approved. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />TENTATIVE MAP OF LAURELEEN ACRES NO. 2 (395-72), 4 LOTS, 4.35 GROSS ACRES, NATMA RD. <br />ENGR: L.G. BRIAN P.ND R.W. FOULK <br />Staff reviewed this Tentative Map of Laureleen Acres No. 2 stating that the Planning <br />Commission, at their meeting of December 27, 1972, recommended approval. Mayor <br />Helgesson commented on the Commission's discussion and recommendations. Robert Foulk, <br />applicant, spoke on his own behalf. <br />Mr. Bob Stutz, Chairman of the Pathway Committee, reviewed the Committee's recom- <br />mendations. General discussion ensued. Councilman Davey and Grabowski asked clari- <br />fication on the findings of the Pathway Committee. Councilman Grabowski stated he <br />had misgivings of the egress on lots 3 and 4 and asked clarification from <br />Mr. Crabtree. Mr. Stutz then showed slides of the property. Mr. Foulk spoke on his <br />preference to a path around the periphery of this•Droperty. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. Ray Whitley, member of the Pathway Committee; Mr. R.C. <br />Cheney, Chairman of the Public Protection Commission; and Mrs. M. Saviano opposed the <br />path going along the road. Mrs. E. Ginzton brought up for consideration another <br />idea: limit Natoma Road to a fire road and non -vehicular traffic having residents <br />use Black Mountain Road. Commissioner Spencer stated that a property owner by the <br />name of Eagle opposed a path along the creek. Commissioner Weisbart spoke on the <br />Planning Commission's discussions and decision. Mrs. Stroble spoke in favor of <br />having the path along the read, opposed making Natoma Road a one-way street and <br />opposed cutting into the creek bed. Councilman Grabowski stated he was concerned <br />about the safely problem and would like the opportunity to see the site. Councilman <br />Miller stated she would like the Public Protection Commission to review this item <br />again and felt the most logical path would be the back path. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Miller and <br />carried unanimously to continue this to the next Council meeting in order for the <br />Public Protection Commission to review and make recommendations. <br />SCRIMULF.D ITEM Pro. 3: <br />REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 30' TO 5' FOR A CABANA AT <br />12791 NEST SUNSET DRIVE. APPLICANT: DR. ABRAHAM A. GOETZ (V-380-72) <br />Staff reviewed this variance request stating that the Planning Commission, at their <br />meeting of December 27, 1972, recommended approval of this variance request, subject <br />-3- <br />