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UNSCHEDULED ITEM No. 4: <br />APPROVE THREE CONTRACTS FOR PLACING LAND UNDER THE WILLIAMSON ACT <br />Staff stated that the Town had three applications from property owners to place their <br />land under contract, per the Williamson Act. These are: <br />a. John M. Fowle, 27060 Ola Trace Road - 10 acres <br />b. Lester H. Brubaker, 27575 Purlssims Road - 3.296 acres <br />c. Maurice Shecter, 27591 Purissima Road - 4.04 acres <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously to place these three tracks of land under contract, per the <br />Williamson Act. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM N0. 5: <br />CONSIDER CLAIM AGAINST THE TOWN FROM GERARD HOMES RE: DRAINAGE FEES <br />The City Attorney reviewed the claim by Gerard Homes regarding drainage fees received <br />at Town Hall, December 18, 1972. The City Attorney recommended rejection. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously to reject the claim against the Town from Gerard Homes. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITE% N0. 6: <br />REQUEST FOR ACTION ON LOCAL DRAINAGE PROBLEM: RICHARD B. OLIVER, 25466 ADOBE LANE. <br />This item was removed from the Agenda as the problem has been resolved. <br />( UNSCHEVUL.FD ITEM N0. 7: <br />REPORT FROM THE CITY OF PAIS ALTO RE: PROVIDING POLICE SERVICES TO THE TOWN <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Davey and <br />carried unanimously to refer this report to the Public Protection Commission for <br />their review. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITFM N0. 8: <br />REQUEST FRCM W.R. KINCHEL.OE, JR., FOR DIRECTION RE: PARTICIPATION WITH PAW ALTO <br />ON CABLE T.V. <br />Mr. Kincheloe gave a summery of the Cable TV Committee meetings in Palo Alto that he <br />has been attending as he has been representing the Town. He felt the Town should be <br />aware of what the Committee is doing and asked guidance from the Council as to <br />whether the Town still wanted to be included in this study. <br />Frank Wheeler, speaking from the floor, felt the Town should still participate. <br />Council concurred to pursue with the participation with Palo Alto on Cable TV and <br />to keep the Town's interest open and expressed their appreciation of Mr. Kincheloe's <br />efforts and attendance at these meetings as a representative of the Town. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 9: <br />CONSIDERATION OF A SHORT-TERM CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES - STAN SCRUPP & ASSOC <br />The Council received a proposal from the firm of Stan Schupp & Associates, signed by <br />`, Jerry H. Crabtree, Chief Engineer, offering engineering services to the Town during <br />the time required to recruit a new Town Engineer. Staff recommends that an informal <br />agreement be approved. <br />-5- <br />