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UNSCHEDULED ITEM No. 15: <br />ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING'S AGENDA <br />The following three items have been requested to be agended for the meeting of <br />January 17, 1973: <br />a) Consider the Reorganization of Town Committees. <br />b) Discuss Proposed Animal Restraint Regulations. <br />c) Discussion of Conditions Restricting the Unlimited Use of <br />Projectile Throwing Devices. <br />Council concurred to agenda these items for the next Council meeting, January 17, 1973. <br />Councilman Miller asked if the Drug Abuse Program would be reagended. Councilman <br />Grabowski stated he was under the understanding that this Woup would appear before <br />the Town Council again when they were able to answer questions that the Council had <br />asked which the Council felt relevent before they could authorize expenditure of <br />funds. Mayor Helgesson said he would contact this group. <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />1. Mr. A.M. laws expressed his opinion of tonight's meeting as being a good meeting. <br />RESOLUTIONS: <br />1. Resolution No. 690, a Resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills re: signatures on warrants and checks. <br />The City Attorney introduced and read in its entirety Resolution No. 690, A <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS REGARDING SIGNARM OF <br />WARRANTS AND CHECKS. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Mayor Helgesson <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote that Resolution No. 690 be adopted as read. <br />ORDINANCES: <br />1. Ordinance No. 205, First Reading, An Ordinance Repealing Ord. No. 199 on <br />Environmental Impact Act. <br />The City Attorney introduced and reed the title of Ordinance No. 205, AN ORDINANCE <br />OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS REPEALING ORDINANCE N0. 199 OF SAID TOWN. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Miller moved, seconded by Mayor Helgesson <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote to vaiva further reading. <br />WARRANTS• <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried by unanimous roll call vote that the warrants as presented in the amount of <br />FIFTY THREE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS AND SIXTY-NINE CENTS ($53,652.69) <br />be approved and the City Manager -City Clerk be authorized to draw the appropriate <br />warrants. <br />"`, -7- <br />