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F. CONTINUING BUSI"!ESS: <br />1. Presentation by iir. George R. Thenn, Jr., Arbor Development Co., <br />in an effort to have the bond released on Rosehill Estates, <br />Unit 81 (continued from the January 17, 1973 Council meeting). <br />Speaking from the floor: 4. French <br />NOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded <br />by i"Ter and unanimously approved to instruct City Manager <br />.�6 Lawson to work with the City Engineer and Or. Therm to assure <br />c eanup o 7kTtama4t Road to everyone's satisfaction with <br />provision to fix the landscaped path thereon. Payment of <br />43,677.60 must still be made to the Town by Arbor Development Co. <br />2. Continued discussion regarding reorganization of Town Committees. <br />The draft resolution was read by City Manager Lawson and City <br />Attorney Faisant with changes inserted by Council members. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. Cheney <br />firs. Carico <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded <br />by Councilman Miller and approved unanimously to submit the <br />draft, as amended, to various coaunittees for input in 30 days. <br />4W G. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: <br />1. Councilman Davey read a letter from the Sierra Club, .ated <br />January S, 1973, asking for town support in retaining for open <br />space purposes 3 parcels of land to be sold by the Palo Alto <br />School District (adjoining Los Altos Hills). Suggestions for <br />use of the land were also made in this letter. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mrs. Sutton, Sierra Club <br />Hr. Wallace <br />Firs. Schick <br />MOTION, SECO11DED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded <br />by Miller to instruct the City Manager to explore the matter <br />further with the Palo Alto School District with special emphasis <br />on the property on Page Hill Road and to report back to the <br />Council within 30 days. <br />2. Revenue Sharing: The City Manager requested the City Council <br />to consider possible uses of the Town of Los Altos Hills' share <br />of Revenue Sharing for 1972, including the expansion of Town <br />Hall. <br />Speaking from the floor: Dr. Grossman <br />Ar. Laws <br />F1rs. Carico <br />Ar. Brutschy <br />Mr. Downey <br />