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Councilman Miller stated that the owners of the trees were willing to prune <br />`r <br />back the branches of the pine trees to provide visibility and that the staff <br />should look further into this matter before posting a sign. <br />Speaking from the floor: Hr. James Patnore stated that placing a sign at <br />Central Drive and Page Mill would only encourage <br />traffic on Central Drive which is a private road. <br />In his opinion, Page Mill is far too dangerous a <br />street to be used by horsemen. <br />Mrs. Saviano suggested the Pathway Committee should <br />have been consulted on this project and that they <br />should have made the recommendation rather than the <br />Horsemen's Association. <br />Mrs. Florence Fava objected to the inclusion of Moody <br />Court at Moody Road as a possible site for a sign due <br />to there not being an easement to accommodate horse <br />traffic. <br />Mr. David Jansson stated that all possible should be <br />done for the horsemen from a safety standpoint. <br />Councilman Miller asked if horses were permitted on private roadways. The <br />City Attorney answered that this was a matter of private enforcement. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mrs. Diane Strobele felt that authorization should be <br />given to spend the $800 for signs with the Pathway <br />Committee researching and recommending the placement <br />of signs. <br />Mr. H. Reiser stated that private roads should not be <br />advertised as throughways. <br />Mr. George Pfeiffer stated that $800 worth of signs <br />put in by amateurs would soon disappear. <br />Mr. R.C. Cheney, Chairman of the Public Protection <br />Committee, stated that signing of horsepaths was <br />viewed purely from a technical standpoint without <br />regard to cost by this Conmittee. <br />Mayor Helgesson stated his agreement with Councilman Grabowski that the matter <br />should be taken up under the new budget with the Pathway Committee recommending <br />placement of the signs. <br />MOTION AND SECOND: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Councilman Miller and <br />opposed by Mayor Helgesson and Councilman Grabowski that approval be given new <br />for the expenditure of $800 for equestrian signs as requested by the Horsemen's <br />Association with placement of the signs to be reviewed by the Pathway Committee <br />Because of the tie vote, the motion failed. <br />4W <br />Council concurred that the matter be deferred until the regularly scheduled <br />council meeting of April 4, 1973 to consider further input from the Pathway <br />Committee. <br />-4- <br />