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meetings as a source of information and the publica- <br />tion of a City Hanger's Report in the newspapers as <br />was done in the last several years to inform citizens <br />` of items of interest in Town. The money might better <br />be utilized for the repair of Page Mill Road. <br />Hrs. Alma Wood suggested the possibility of the <br />Agenda being published in the newspaper at a lesser <br />cost, which might create better attendance at council <br />meetings and more civic awareness in general. <br />Nr. Fred Brutschy suggested that the publication of <br />the Newsletter during the Recall period might not be <br />appropriate. <br />Mr. David Jansson stated that something that has not <br />been seen should not be judged and that the Newsletter <br />was a wonderful idea. <br />Mayor Helgesson suggested that many of the items in the Newsletter were super- <br />fluous and that the contents were not so outstanding as to warrant circulation <br />among the Townspeople. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Kubby moved, second^ cy Councilman <br />Davey and carried by majority vote with Councilman Grabowski and Mayor <br />Helgesson opposed, that the Newsletter be published and circulated to the <br />Townspeople. <br />2. Presentation by the Hillside Subcommittee of the Planning Policy Committee <br />of Santa Clara County regarding the alternate plan proposals for the Montebello <br />Ridge area. <br />Messrs. Lee Wilcox and Gil Fayette of the Hillside Subcommittee presented al- <br />ternate policy possibilities for the planned development of Montebello Ridge. <br />In essence, the Town of Los Altos Hills is to advise the Hillside Subcommittee <br />jointly with the Cities of Los Gatos, Saratoga, Cupertino and Los Altos as to <br />the desires of the citizens in regard to the future residential density of the <br />five cities. The concept of planned development was explained. It was es- <br />tablished that the four suggestions put forth by the Hillside Subcommittee as <br />a basis for determination of land use are not necessarily to be approved or <br />accepted by the Town. Rather, these plans should be studied and a new plan <br />devised integrating the Town's proposal and submitted to the Hillside Committee <br />for subsequent presentation to the Planning Policy Committee. Cost of retain- <br />ing the land mostly as open space might be financed through county taxes, baser <br />on the County Assessor's valuation of the land. At the present time, most of <br />this land is privately owned. The Town must submit a plan to the Hillside <br />Subcommittee by May 10, 1973. Consequently, the Planning Commission should <br />review the plan at their earliest regularly scheduled meeting to be able to <br />present their findings to the City Council for approval in order to meet the <br />May 10th deadline. Notice of the meeting of the Hillside Subcommittee re- <br />garding all plans submitted by the five jurisdictions will be forwarded to the <br />Town. <br />F. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: <br />-4- <br />