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1. Ordinance No. 206 of the Town of Los Altos Hills amending Title 4, Chapter 4, <br />Sections 4-4.01 through 4-4.05 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code relating <br />i to weapons. <br />�r The City Attorney read Ordinance No. 203. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIES: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Miller and carried unanimously to introduce Ordinance No. 208. <br />Ordinance No. 209 of the Town of Los Altos Hills amending Title 9, Chapters 1 <br />and 2, Sections 9-1.01 through 9-2.10 of the Los Altos Hills relating to <br />Administration; the Environmental Planning Commission; Official Plan Lines; <br />and Site Approval. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey movod, seconded by Councilman <br />Miller and carried unanimously that reading of Ordinance No. 209 relating to <br />the Environmental Planning Commission be waived and to introduce the Ordinance <br />by title. <br />G. ADJOUR14MENT TO LITIGATION SESSION: 9:50 P.M. <br />H. CONTINUING BUSINESS: 10:20 p.m. <br />Discussion of Sphere of Influence area between the Town of Los Altos Hills and the <br />City of Los Altos. <br />The City Attorney announced that he has been instructed by the City Council to <br />take appropriate legal action to preclude the rezoning of the E1 Retiro property <br />and to seek leave of the Attorney General to file suit to overturn the annexation. <br />I. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />1. Mr. A.M. Laws inquired as to who was appointed to hold the position of Police <br />Chief and City Treasurer of the Town. The City Attorney replied that the City <br />Manager filled these positions by ordinance and resolution respectively. <br />2. Mrs. Florence Fava requested that the Town insure that the Costello property <br />be returned to the Sphere of Influence of Los Altos Hills due to its historical <br />value and beauty to preclude the possibility of problems as encountered by the <br />present struggle over the E1 Retiro property. Mrs. Fava asked that Council <br />institute a historical ordinance such as exists in other cities. The City <br />Attorney was directed to prepare the historical ordinance for Council approval. <br />3. Mr. William Downey questioned the new lock system at Town Hall, stating that 0: <br />Los Altos Hills Association was unable to enter the Council Chambers on the <br />evening of Warch 19th. The City Manager explained the new policy whereby <br />groups wishing to use the facilities would contact a member of the staff to <br />obtain a key prior to the meeting, and return it thereafter. Councilman Kubby <br />suggested that a charge to unofficial groups be levied for use of the facility. <br />The City Manager stated that no charge was presently being made for use of the <br />Chambers, but that staff would comply with Council's wishes in this regard. <br />fir. A.M. Laws stated that the Los Altos Hills Association was a recognized <br />` group which should be entitled to free use of the Chambers. <br />-5- <br />