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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/19/2016 1:41:40 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 11:03:59 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mrs. Millie Saviano stated that no Town association should be charged for use <br />of Town Hall which is a public building. <br />`, Mrs. Theodora Schick stated that she felt that money was being spent to put <br />out an unnecessary newsletter, and that now people were going to be charged to <br />use their own Town Hall. <br />J. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />1. Councilman Miller reiterated Mrs. Florence Fava's concern regarding the Cos- <br />tello property to avoid future Sphere of Influence problems. She also stated <br />her concern that tapes were being damaged due to constant use by the Townspeople <br />Speaking from the floor: Capt. Frank Gorman suggested that a copy of the <br />original tape be made for use by residents so as to <br />keep the original intact. <br />Councilman Grabowski asked how the tapes were damaged. The City Manager stated <br />that parts of the tapes may have been inadvertently erased by those not knowing <br />:10w i0 use tlie machine properly. He stated that persons wishing to hear the <br />tapes were constantly halting the flow of work by the staff. A certain time <br />should be set aside for listening to tapes so that staff might set up the ma- <br />chine for those wishing to listen, thereby precluding the possible erasure of <br />tapes and enabling the staff to work uninterrupted with prescribed times allo- <br />cated for listening. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mrs. Theodora Schick stated that at no time that she <br />had come to Town Hall to listen to tapes, had she <br />physically handled the aparatus or the tapes, and <br />that any damage resulting to the tapes was not the <br />fault of herself or the citizens utilizing the tape - <br />recorder. <br />Capt. Frank Gorman stated the ineffectiveness of the <br />present aparatus. <br />2. Councilman Grabowski commented as to an item on the March 15th Miscellaneous <br />Comments of the City Nanager regarding the use of the term "Council person" as <br />now being an item of proper usage. The City Manager stated that the Legisla- <br />ture had approved the wording and that the use was now established. <br />Councilman Grabowski inquired as to the particulars of the recently acquired <br />liability insurance for the City Manager utilizing his own vehicle for Town <br />business. The City Manager replied that there was an annual savings to the <br />Town of $21 and that coverage would now be provided by only one carrier as <br />opposed to two as was formerly the case. There is no personal enhancement to <br />his own situation as this is simply coverage for the Town required by the use <br />of his personal car for Town business. <br />K. STAFF REPORTS: <br />City Manager Lawson announced that Mr. Donald Miller is to chair the Environmental <br />Pollution Symposium April 17 - 18, 1973 at the Stanford Research Institute in <br />-6- <br />
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