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Mrs. Ann Spencer questioned the length in time taken to forward Mr. Perkin's <br />letter stating aforementioned comments to the Council. Mr. Lawson explained <br />` that an error had been made by staff so that the letter had been misplaced in <br />preparing the Council Packets and Inadvertently left out and retrieved for <br />the meeting. <br />Mrs. Millie Savlano suggested that Commissioner Perkins had a constructive <br />Idea but that becoming a charter city is a serious matter and must be further <br />explored. <br />Mrs. Theodora Schick stated that CURE had spent a good deal of time looking <br />Into the matter and that becoming a charter city was a lengthy process. <br />K. STAFF REPORTS: <br />The City Attorney spoke regarding guidelines for environmental Impact reports <br />established In the Friends of Mammoth case. The State had not been able to <br />produce guidelines In time to forward to Council. Therefore, Los >ltos 'ills <br />will be without astaulish�d yuluelin s to follow for two weeks. These guidelines <br />should be voted upon at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting of <br />April 18, 1973. <br />L. ADJOURNMENT TO LITIGATION AND PERSONNEL SESSION: 11:30 p.m. <br />M. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: 12:00 a.m. <br />1. Councilman Kubby reiterated his desire to have the City Attorney review the <br />Possibility of becoming a charter city in order to totally allay any fears <br />of altering the zoning policy of the Town by present Councllmembers. <br />Councilman Grabowski indicated that most charter cities are metropolitan areas <br />and that the 10 local general law cities in Santa Clara County have not become <br />charter cities. He stated his general approval of a study to determine the <br />feasibility of such a move. Mayor Helgesson read from a League of California <br />Cities study on the subject, detailing the differences and similarities <br />between general law and charter cities, and suggested careful study of the <br />matter. Councilman Kubby once again stated that such a move would dispel the <br />distrust in city officials by residents who seek to maintain the present zoning <br />policy of the Town. Citizens might then work In harmony instead of against <br />eachother. He requested a report by staff in two weeks on the subject. <br />Mavor Helgesson stated that he felt that a one-month time period was Inadequate <br />in which to conduct such a study. Councilman Davey agreed with Mayor Helges- <br />son, but felt that a preliminary report might be made In two weeks' time <br />stating advantages and disadvantages of becoming a charter city. <br />Councilman Grabowski stated that such a move at this time will not dispel lack <br />of confidence in city officials, but hoped that Councilman Kubby had made this <br />request in good faith. <br />Councilman Kubby Indicated that he had spent a good deal of time talking with <br />Townspeople regarding the petitions they had signed to recall him. Many of <br />these had signed the petition in order to hear the issues of the campaign. <br />