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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:41:48 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 11:07:33 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mrs. Judy Carico asked as to the cost of Installa- <br />tion of these signs, stating the need for them to be <br />`, properly Installed. <br />Mrs. Ann Spencer requested a clarification as to why <br />this matter was now being taken up under the CONSENT <br />CALENDAR, when the Pathway Committee had been asked <br />to provide further Input to the City Council. <br />Mayor Helgesson replied that the Pathway Committee had made further recommenda- <br />tions and that they had been reviewed by Council so that the matter was now <br />properly listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR with the option of having the Item <br />removed from the CONSENT CALENDAR by Council or the Public. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mrs. Millie Saviano stated that while she was In <br />favor of the purchase of these equestrian signs, she <br />was not In favor of the circumstances Involved In the <br />Pathway Committee's arrival at the decision to recom- <br />mend them. There had been no quorum at the meeting <br />and those participating had been mainly members of <br />the Horsemen's Association. Hence, there was no true <br />citizen representation at this meeting. <br />Councilman Grabowski objected to there being no quorum at the meeting where <br />several recommendations were presented. City Manager Lawson stated that the <br />Minutes so reflected the fact and that discussion on various matters at the <br />AW <br />meeting was recorded with this fact In mind. Councilman Grabowski stated he <br />felt the matter should be referred once again to the Pathway Committee. <br />Councilman Kubby requested Mrs. Saviano to clarify whether or not she was in <br />favor of the purchase of the signs, to which she replied that she was, but <br />that she was not in favor of the circumstances surrounding the recommendation <br />to purchase them. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. A.M. Laws stated his contention that the eques- <br />trian signs are not as much of a benefit to horsemen <br />as they are of benefit to the motorist. <br />Mrs. Dora Sukiennicki stated that signs were appro- <br />priate In most locations, but that in the case of <br />Page Mill Road, pathways should be provided for the <br />safety of horsemen prior to erection of signs In that <br />location. <br />Mrs. Judy Carico stated that signs should be provided, <br />but that the location of these signs was the only <br />real point of disagreement. <br />Mr. Bob Basil felt that there might be other prior- <br />Itles more Important than the posting of equestrian <br />signs at the present time. <br />City Manager Lawson pointed out that a priority list does exist and that funds <br />`r are available at this time to fill this request, without having to sacrifice <br />any other project. <br />-4- <br />
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