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City Council Minutes
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7/28/2015 11:07:33 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Miller with <br />Councilman Grabowski abstaining (due to his feeling that the signs might better <br />( be provided for under the 1973-74 budget although acknowledging the fact they <br />�r are a necessary safety precaution) to approve the expenditure of $800 for <br />equestrian crossing signs. <br />G. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: <br />I. Resolution No._designating the uses of 1972-73 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. <br />City Manager Lawson briefly spoke of the Special Meeting of the City Council of <br />March 12, 1973 for the purpose of determining the uses of Revenue Sharing Funds <br />and reviewed his desire as City Manager to spend the money for the overhaul of <br />Town Hall ($20,000), the purchase of heavy equipment ($12,000), and the con- <br />struction and maintenance of pathways ($19,000). He stated that the resolution <br />delineating uses of the funds must be forwarded to the Department of the <br />Treasury prior to the end of the fiscal year. <br />Councilman Grabowski stated his concern that the money should be utilized for <br />the repair of streets now badly damaged and attention should be given to the <br />need of the public at this time. Town Hall might be overhauled In two years <br />when the revenue for this task can be generated. He stated his opposition to <br />the first two aforementioned uses as stated by the City Manager and his sup- <br />port of the third use with special attention to proper patching of the streets. <br />Councilman Kubby stated that much discussion had been held regarding the <br />various uses of the funds, but that he would like to have the budget document <br />r available In order to put the proposed uses into proper perspective. <br />` MOTION, SECONDFO AND TARRIED: Councilman Kubby moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Grabowski with Co.incilr in .illcr opposed that the ,ntt3r of -n- <br />us ; of Revenue 3hc:rin, Funds o tabled until the 1=7; 7�, ':ucget is reviewed. <br />Councilman Miller requested that Councilman Grabowski's absence at the Special <br />Meeting of March 12, 1973 to discuss Revenue Sharing Funds be shown in the <br />record. <br />2. Resolution No. 699 calling for a special municipal election to be held on <br />Tuesday, June 19, 1973,for the purpose of voting on the Recall of Councilman <br />Mary Davey and Councilman Lee Kubby and Resolution No. 700 requesting the <br />Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors to authorize the County Registrar of <br />Voters to conduct the special municipal election scheduled for June 19, 1973. <br />The City Attorney suggested a change In the first paragraph of Resolution No. <br />699 to read: "WHEREAS, the City Council has received recall petitions, certi- <br />fied by the City Clerk to contain sufficient signatures to require a recall <br />election to determine if Mary C. Davey and Leroy J. Kubby shall be recalled <br />from office." <br />Councilman Miller requested that the election be held on Tuesday, June 26, 1973, <br />Councilman Grabowski asked the reason for the delay, stating that the people <br />having signed the petitions were entitled to expeditious resolution of their <br />grievances by law. Councilman Miller stated that there was no dereliction of <br />`. duty on the Council's part since June 26th is within the scope of time per- <br />mitted for the election, to which the City Attorney concurred. She further <br />-5- <br />
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