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Mr. C.W. Getz stated that reading of the resolution <br />did not tell the citizen anything because It was not <br />understandable and asked why it was even needed. <br />The City Attorney explained the need to have effective planning delegated to <br />an agency having the scope and capability of understanding the problems and <br />handling of sewage matters in the area, BASSA now being the only such organi- <br />zation. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. C.W. Getz asked what would happen if the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills did not pass the resolution. <br />The City Attorney explained the responsibility that the Town has to participate <br />In such matters where there is obligation to take part. This resolution Is <br />Intended to preclude a duplicating agency from becoming Involved in sewage <br />planning matters., thereby avoiding overlapping of functions by two public <br />agencies. BASSA is properly constituted to handle these matters effectively. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. A.M. Laws stated that the Town should reject the <br />proposed resolution and see If other towns adopt It. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Kubby and carried unanimously that Resolution No. 702 urging designation of <br />the Bay Area Sewage Services Agency as the Areawide Sewer Planning Agency for <br />the San Francisco Bay Area be adopted. <br />H. CONTINUING BUSINESS: <br />I. Discussion of Committee Vacancies. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Kubby moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Davey and carried unanimously that the matter of discussion of Committee Va- <br />cancies be postponed until citizens have the opportunity to respond to the <br />advertisement in the Town Newsletter. <br />2. Discussion of Planning Commission recommendation for proposed ordinance re- <br />quiring sellers of real property within the Town to obtain a property report <br />from the Town Indicating any problems relating to the property, building ap- <br />provals Issued or denied, setbacks, etc. <br />City Manager Lawson stated the purpose of this recommendation as an aid to the <br />potential buyer of property In the Town In detecting faults on property, or <br />other problems, and providing a background of the property which he pians to <br />purchase. <br />Commissioner Weisbart explained that the Intent of the Planning Commission was <br />to provide the buyer with soil slippage or fault line studies so that he would <br />know what he was getting Into before purchasing the property, to which Com- <br />missioner Perkins agreed. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. David Jansson asked where and how he would obtain <br />the report and who would pay for It. <br />♦r City Manager Lawson replied that the seller would obtain the report for the <br />buyer at Town Hall. <br />-7- <br />