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Councilman Grabowski asked who would obtain the information and how for the <br />report and who will pay for it. He also questioned If there would be any <br />penalties for false statements made in the report. City Manager Lawson ex- <br />plalned that this was not an attempt at consulting by the Town, but only an <br />attempt to give the buyer background information and would apply to all proper- <br />ty In the Town. <br />Councilman Kubby questioned the liability to the Town and stated that such re- <br />ports must be carefully prepared with only matters clearly of record to the <br />Town included. <br />Councilman Davey suggested that the staff and the City Attorney Investigate <br />the possibility of rsquiring a property report and provide Input to the Council <br />in one month's time. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. C.W. Getz stated he was In favor of staff looking <br />further Into the matter. <br />Councilman Grabowski also instructed staff to research the cost of providing <br />such a report to potential buyers of property. Councilman Miller suggested <br />that the report might be included as part of the checklist currently provided <br />by the Town. <br />Council generally concurred to Instruct the staff to report on the matter in <br />one month's time. <br />I. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: <br />I. Ordinance No. 208 of the Town of Los Altos Hills amending Title 4, Chapter 4, <br />Sections 4-4.01 through 4-4.05 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code concerning <br />weapons. <br />The City Attorney read the Ordinance by Title. <br />MOTION AND SECONDED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Councilman Grabowski <br />to waive further reading of Ordinance No. 208. AYES: Councilmen Davey, <br />Grabowski, and Kubby. NOES: Councilman Miller and Mayor Helgesson. <br />The City Attorney read the Ordinance for the second time. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. A.M. Laws stated that he had read the appropriate <br />sections of the Municipal Code and compared the new <br />Ordinance with those sections and found them to be <br />Identical. It should be thrown out. <br />The City Attorney stated that substantive changes had been made and referred to <br />each of them. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. Robert Hall took exception to many items in the <br />new Ordinance, stating his experience as a profes- <br />sional and capable rifleman. He felt that the law- <br />abiding citizen should be taken into consideration <br />when writing such an ordinance. <br />Councilman Miller stated that the Ordinance was meant to prevent indiscriminate <br />shooting in the Town, to which Mr. Hall replied that he acknowledged this need. <br />to <br />