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Councilman Grabowski stated the need for such an Ordinance to curtail shooting <br />In Town by Irresponsible persons, but that amendments could be made to the <br />Ordinance whereby exceptions might be made for those responsible persons who <br />knew how to handle weapons. This Ordinance was to aid the Sheriff in enforc- <br />ing strict gun laws In the Town. <br />Councilman Kubby Inquired about the right of a person to defend himself which <br />is precluded in the Ordinance by necessitating the breakdown of a weapon for <br />transport In the Town. <br />Councilman Miller supported this view and that of Mr. Hall and suggested that <br />a meting might be rid to ,".i:.^.rss the Ordinance further before adoption. She <br />alj% sug;este:; Thal tlr. :ioli miGh� .31 included in this meeting for his Input <br />as The Ordinance as it stands in not enforceable. <br />The Chty Attnr'my stated that he believed the Ordinance to be imperfect and that <br />the ldaal situation would be created by declaring the Town a part of the Fish <br />and Game Preserve. However, there is probably no perfect solution to the <br />problem. <br />Speaking from the floor: Mr. Pobert Hall stated that he would be willing to <br />participate in the meeting and to extend an Invita- <br />tion to people with whom he is acquainted who are <br />experts in the field In order to rewrite the Ordin- <br />ance. <br />Mrs. Millie Savfano stated that parents are held res- <br />ponsible for their minor children who carry sling- <br />shots so that parents will be put on the defensive <br />by such an Ordinance. <br />Mrs. Sheila Wank stated her fears for others and for <br />animals who are unprotected from irresponsible <br />persons. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Coun- <br />cilman Davey that Ordinance No. 208 be adopted, limiting the use of weapons In <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills. AYES: Councilmen Grabowski, Davey and Mayor <br />Helgesson. NOES: Councilmen Kubby and Miller. <br />2. Ordinance No. 209 of the Town of Los Altos Hills amending Title 9, Chapters I <br />and 2, Sections 9-1.01 through 9-2.10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code <br />relating to Administration, Environmental Planning Commission, Official Plan <br />Lines and Site Approval. <br />Councilman Miller provided each member of the Council with suggested changes <br />In the Ordinance as to limitation of membership In the Environmental Planning <br />Commission. <br />Discussion ensued as to the Inclusion of two extra persons to serve on the <br />Environmental Planning Commission with all 9 members serving on a rotational <br />basis. Members serving on the Planning Commission would necessarily serve on <br />the Environmental Planning Commission. Persons whose talent might be directed <br />`r toward one Commission might not be so directed to the other. In any event, <br />background in planning would be required for a position on both boards. <br />-9- <br />