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3. Presentation by Mrs. Artemas Ginzton regarding bicycles. <br />Mrs. Artemas Ginzton presented a report recommending various means by <br />which facilities may be created and/or expanded for greater bicycle <br />use --including routing and safety cons l de rat Ions --throughout Santa <br />Clara County and within the Town. Mrs. Gtnzton requested specifically <br />that the Council endorse the Inclusion of a bicycle element in the <br />Transportation Plan being considered by the Metropolitan Transportation <br />Commission, with particular reference to the Inclusion of bicycles In <br />commuter traffic planning. <br />It was the consensus of Council that a letter be sent to the Metropoli- <br />tan Transportaiton Commission, or a representative appear before the <br />Commission, for Its meeting of June II, 1973, at 7:30 PM, supporting <br />Inclusion of a bicycle system In transportation planning for the Bay <br />Area. <br />4. Appointments to Environmental Planning Commission and Town Committees. <br />Deputy Mayor Davey announced the following appointments to the Environ- <br />mental Planning Commission: Mr. Kenneth Philips, Mr. Kenneth Young. <br />D. CONTINUING BUSINESS: <br />I. Continued discussion of Content of Proposed City Charter. <br />Following discussion, it was agreed to continue further discussion of <br />�r a proposed city charter to the next regular meeting of the City Council, <br />Including consideration of recommendations from the Planning Commission <br />in this area. No action was taken on the matter of a proposed city <br />charter. <br />2. Councilman Miller nominated Mr. Waldo Ashby to serve on the Noise <br />Abatement Committee. Mrs. Miller stated that the Committee is current- <br />ly operating without a quorum, and cannot act on such matters as plant- <br />ing along the freeway until a quorum is obtained. <br />The nomination of Mr. Waldo Ashby was approved by acclamation. <br />E. PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br />1. Public Hearings on Proposed 1973-74 Fiscal Year Budget. <br />Deputy Mayor Mary Davey declared the Public Hearing on proposed budget <br />for Fiscal Year 1973-74 open. Questions of the City Manager and dis- <br />cussion of the proposed budget, by both Council and the public, ensued. <br />Following discussion, the Public Hearing on the proposed budget was <br />continued to the City Council Meeting of June 20, 1973. <br />The City Manager was requested by Council to propose a memorandum prior <br />to the next Council meeting, indicating cuts which could be made in the <br />`, budget In the Interest of a possible reduction of $.02 In the tax rate. <br />-3- <br />