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4. The City Manager presented a report, summarizing various building fees <br />,: currently charged by theTown, stating that a number of builders and <br />'6/ homeowners had commented on the amounts currently charged by the Town. <br />The City Manager stated further that he hoped to make a study during <br />the summer, reviewing the Town's fees in relation to those charged by <br />other committees for similar services. <br />The City Manager also stated, In response to a request from Councilman <br />Miller, that a study was also being conducted, and Informational sheets <br />being prepared by the public, regarding the steps required to complete <br />applications for building permits and other building -related activities. <br />H. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />I. Councilman Miller inquired regarding the request by the Daughters of <br />Charity for participation by the Town in clearing certain eucalyptus <br />trees which were ordered removed from their property by the Los Altos <br />Fire Department. <br />The City Manager reviewed the request of the Daughters of Charity, <br />indicating that as some trees in the grove are town -owned, the Order <br />felt that some expense might be served by having the entire grove <br />cleared at one time. <br />The City Manager was requested to raise the matter, Including the <br />expenditure figures which would be involved for the Town, at the next <br />Budget Study session. <br />I. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Litigation) <br />J. ADJOURNMENT: 11:30 PM <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Karen R. Halvorsen <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />-5- <br />