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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:42:18 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 11:28:02 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mayor Leslie Helgesson declared the Public Hearing open. Mr. William Spangle <br />of Spangle and Associates, the firm providing planning services to the Town, <br />116 presented a report stating that the proposed amendment represented a clarifi- <br />cation of wording only, relative to the portion of the building ordinances <br />pertaining to setback requirements, and that no alteration of intent was in- <br />volved. <br />Following discussion by Council and Mr. R.C. Cheney speaking from the floor, <br />Mayor Helgesson declared the Public Hearing closed. <br />It was the consensus of Council that prior to final adoption of the ordinance <br />amendment shown below, additional information should be received from staff <br />at the next regular meeting of the City Council on August 1, 1973 confirming <br />the desirability of the amendment and the intent of the ordinance as it now <br />stands, and as it would stand as amended: <br />Section 9-5.504. Setback lines. <br />The location of structures with respect to property lines and easement lines <br />shall be regulated as follows: <br />(a) No structure, nor portion thereof, shall be so constructed, altered,or <br />maintained as to be located between the property line and the setback <br />line, except as otherwise permitted by the provisions of this chapter. <br />(b) The setback line for any structure shall be: <br />(1) Forty (40') feet from the nearest line of any public or private street <br />` right-of-way easement for vehicular access, or officiai lar line. <br />Where a lot abuts on more than one such street, er easemen or 5trIcial <br />plan line, the forty (401) foot setback line shall be required from <br />only one such Rreperty-lone/ street easenent or official ian line. <br />In such instances, the proper y� owner may se ec t e se acc <br />PreperEy line, provided such choice, in the opinion oi_Tte CTt_y <br />Manager or his authorized representative, will not be injurious to <br />adjacent properties or the public interest; and <br />(2) Thirty (309 feet from She property lines, nearest lines of public or <br />(3) <br />The City Attorney read the proposed ordinance amendment by title: <br />MOTION, SECOWDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Miller and carried unanimously to waive further reading of the <br />proposed amendment to Section 9-5.504 of the Municipal Code, and to introduce <br />the ordinance by title. <br />2. Public Hearing regarding placement of Palo Alto Sewer Basin charges for sewer <br />services on the Santa Clara County Tax Roll. <br />-3- <br />
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