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3. Review and establish riorities for Capital Improvements Program <br />or t e rsca ear. <br />Mayor Helgesson described his findings on the conditions of the <br />roads after his field trip on Monday, July 23 with the City <br />Manager, City Engineer, and members of the Council. Council <br />members discussed the priorities they would set for road improve- <br />ments and drainage improvements. Councilman Grabowski requested <br />that the Mayor list his findings for review and the item be <br />continued to the August 15th meeting of the City Council for action. <br />A field trip for Monday, August 6, 1973 at 1:30 P.M. was also <br />scheduled. <br />4. Proposed Plans for expansion of Town Hall <br />The consensus of the City Council was that Mr. Minkley finalize <br />plans to enable a call for bids on the following items for the <br />expansion of Town Hall and present them to the City Council for <br />review at their August 15, 1973 meeting. <br />1. Addition to the north of building. <br />2. Restrooms brought up to code. <br />40 3. Provide sprinklers and alarm system per code. <br />4. Provide air conditioning and heating on alternate basis. <br />5. Repair audio system. <br />6. Provide better seating arrangement. <br />The Council concurred that at this time the south addition should <br />be eliminated and the Council table should remain the same. The <br />Council further decided to take under advisement any rearrangement <br />of office space discussed during Study Session. <br />E. CURRENT BUSINESS <br />1. Construction of Private Drivewa on apparent public right-of-wa <br />TYT7aminLto)- Memo rom C ty ngineer <br />The City Attorney informed the Council that after reading Mr. <br />Russell's memo, he found the road to be a private road, but subject <br />to an offer of dedication. Mr. Faisant stated that the Council's <br />permission was needed to reduce the required road size from the <br />14-16 ft. Town standards requirement to a 10 foot exception. He <br />also said that the applicant would have to remove a row of trees in <br />order to widen the proposed driveway to Town standards. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilvxmmn Miller moved, seconded <br />by Councilman Grabowski and unanimously carried that the applicant be <br />granStaff makethe <br />theright <br />appropriatereduce <br />amendmentswto thesize <br />checklist. aand that <br />