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4 2. Securit Re utations for Commercial Janitorial Services proposed <br />by—mac n�an rabowsk <br />Councilman Grabowski stated that for some time he has been concerned <br />over alleged thefts being reported by residents following the use <br />of contracted Janitorial Services. In many instances, he alleges, <br />the owner of the property has been requested to leave the premises, <br />or, in any event, not follow the workmen from room to room. He <br />requested that for the protection of private property for the citizens <br />of the Town that the Town consider an ordinance requiring all <br />Janitorial Services dispatching employees to work in the Town to <br />verify to the City Manager that said employees had been subjected to <br />a routine background check and, if possible, a credit check. <br />After discussion by the Council and speakers from the floor, the <br />Council instructed Staff to contact the County Counsel to determine <br />the legality of this proposed ordinance. <br />F. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN <br />1. Councilman Grabowski stated that the memo prepared by Mr. Bellucci <br />regarding the EIR status of his property was inadvertently included <br />in his packet. He asked the City Manager if it was possible for him <br />t to receive a copy of the report. <br />�r Mr. Lawson informed Councilman Grabowski that the item was going <br />before the Environmental Planning Commission at their next regular <br />meeting and following that meeting he would provide Council members <br />with copies of the EIR. <br />G. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION <br />1. Ordinance No. 212 fixing the tax rate for the 1973-74 Fiscal Year <br />at $.40 (forty) per $100 (one hundred) assessed valuation. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded <br />by Councilwoman Miller and unanimously carried, waiving further reading <br />and introducing the ordinance by Title. <br />H. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION <br />1. Ordinance No. 211 amendinq Section 9-5.504 of the Municipal Code <br />(Zoning- Clarifying etbac Re u rements . <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded <br />by Councilwoman Miller and unanimously carried, waiving further <br />reading. <br />2, Councilman Grabowski requested that an Urgency ordinance be adopted <br />regulating the expenditures of campaign funds to $.15 (fifteen) <br />per registered voter. He stated he felt that many good candidates <br />-5- <br />