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are unable to run for office because they haven't the money to <br />carry on the large campaigns as their opponents sometimes have. <br />He felt that limiting the expenditures would insure that everyone <br />had an equal chance to be elected to office based on his merits <br />and qualifications as opposed to financial means. <br />fir. Faisant read the proposed ordinance to the Council and stated <br />that if adopted, the Ordinance would take effect immediately. The <br />Ordinance would add Section 2-1.127 to the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code. <br />Councilwoman Miller questioned the urgency of such an Ordinance. <br />MOVED AND SECONDED: Councilman Grabowski raved, seconded by Mayor <br />Helgesson that the urgency Ordinance be adopted. Councilwoman <br />Miller voted NO. Because a 4/5 vote is required for an urgency <br />Ordinance, the motion failed. The Council instructed Staff to place <br />this item on the August 15th Agenda for further discussion. <br />I. EXECUTIVE SESSION <br />The Council adjourned to Executive Session (Personnel € Litigation) <br />at 12:00 Midnight. <br />J. ADJOURNMENT <br />The Council adjourned at 1:25 a meeting on Monday, August 6, <br />1973 at 1:30 P.M. for a Field Trip to review capital improvement': <br />projects and Executive (Personnel) session. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Deputy Clerk <br />-6- <br />