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7. The Division of Highways offered 8.124 acres of State owned excess land <br />on O'Keefe for $20,100. Staff advised purchase could be accomplished by <br />a resolution attesting to the public use of the property and the amount <br />in cash, or, if the City wished financing, it is available on the basis <br />{ of 30% down and the balance payable over 30 years at the current PHA mort- <br />gage rate. A decision on this parcel was requested within 30 days from <br />Feb. 2, 1972. Council concurred to agenda this item for the Feb. 22 <br />Council meeting following review by the Planning Commission. <br />8. Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors ad.vised a public hearing relating <br />to the formation of the Santa Clara County Transit District will be held <br />on Feb. 23, 1972. <br />9. PG&E notified that they had filed for an increase in gas rates with the <br />California Public Utilities Commission. <br />10. League of California Cities advised that the National League of Cities- <br />United States Conference of Mayors issued a bulletin which clarified the <br />effect of Phase II on city government, as follows, "The Cost of Living <br />Council today announced that cities will be exempt from price controls <br />on service charges and fees. This policy includes, for example, the <br />exemption of water and sewerage charges, refuse disposal and other fees. <br />The Cost of Living Council said in its announcement that 'State and local <br />governments are being asked to take steps to assure that average increases <br />in State and local fees and charges do not exceed 2h% in the aggregate'." <br />11. Mr. John E. Dever, City Manager of Sunnyvale, transmitted a copy of their <br />staff report and recommendation on establishing "911" Emergency service <br />for the City of Sunnyvale. <br />`, 12. Association of Bay Area Government will hold their general assembly meet- <br />ing on Feb. 24, 1972. Mayor Benson stated he would attend. <br />13. League of California Cities transmitted 'Highlights of 1971 Legislation <br />Affecting Cities',. <br />14. Mayor Norman Y. Mineta of San Jose transmitted to each City Manager in <br />the County of Santa Clara, a communication regarding City of San Jose <br />Planned Variations - Chief Executive Review and Comment Program (PV-CERC). <br />SCHEDULED ITEM N0, i <br />BUILDING SITE APPROVAL FOR E. S. SHAW (BSA -72-71) 2 lots, 1.004 a. and 1.038 a. <br />on Newbridge Road. Bngr. J. W. Riley <br />Staff reviewed that this item was discussed last meeting and referred back to <br />the Planning Commission for clarification on the requirements for rebuilding <br />or enlarging the existing driveway along the west side of Lots #1 and #4. <br />The Planning Commission, at their 1/24/72 meeting recommended that if the <br />owners of Lots #1 and/or #4 used the existing driveway for access to their <br />lots, they should widen the paved section to 16', and in accordance with Town <br />Standards. If neither Lots #1 or #4 used this driveway, they would not be <br />responsible for improving or maintaining it. <br />Staff recommended that the applicant be allowed to move the lot path easement <br />as required by the check list from the west side of lots 1 and 4 to the east <br />side of these lots. Council concurred with the Commissions recommendation <br />AW as amended by staff. <br />iM1ON, SECONDED AND CARRIBD, Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabow- <br />ski and carried unanimously that the request for Building Site Approval of E. <br />S. Shaw (BSA 72-71) for 2 lots be approved in accordance with the check list, <br />as amended Feb. 7, 1972. <br />-2- <br />