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RESOLUTIONS• (COJTID) <br />3. Resolution No. 656. A Resolution of the Tam of Los Altos Hills,aban- <br />gn a port -ion 3f an equestrian trail easement on Rhus Ridge Rancho <br />Subdivision. <br />City Attorney introduced and read, in its entirety, Resolution No. 656: <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS ABANDONING PORTIONS CF AN <br />EQUESTRIAN TRAIL EASEMENT ON RHOS RIDGE RANCHO SUBDIVISION. <br />NOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Corbett, and carried by unanimous roll. =11 vote, that <br />Resolution No. 656 be adopted as read. <br />4. Resolution No. 657. A Resolution of the Town of Los Altos Hills, estab- <br />1 sh ng�i� the term of the Deputy Mayor to coincide with the tern of the <br />Mayor. <br />Staff noted.' and the City Council agreed at the last meeting, that the <br />term of the Deputy Mayor should be the same as the Mayor, and that the <br />Government Code indicates that the Mayor is elected for a two-year term <br />at the first meeting following each Municipal Election. <br />City Attorney introduced and read, in its entirety, Resolution No. 657: <br />A RESOLUTION (F 711E CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF IAS ALTOS HILLS, ESTAB- <br />LISHING THE TERM OF THE MAYOR PRO TEMPOS AT TWO YEARS. <br />fir MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Corbett, and carried by unanimous roll -call vote, that <br />Resolution No. 657 be adopted as read. <br />ORDINANCES: <br />1. Ordinance No. 193. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING INTERIM CONTROL <br />OF HENT IN THE NOME BELLO RIDGE STUDY AREA. <br />Councilman Corbett stated his opposition to an Emergency Ordinance <br />approach without further study. Following lengthy Council discussion, <br />a motion by Councilman Corbett, seconded by Councilman Grabowski to <br />table discussion of an Emergency Ordinance was withdrawn. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Corbett moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Grabowski, and carried by unanimous roll -call vote to con- <br />tinue discussion to the next meeting of establishment of interim con- <br />trols in the Monte Bello Ridge Study Area, and allow further considera- <br />tion of the draft, prepared by the City Attorney, for an Emergency <br />Ordinance. <br />WARRANTSs <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Grabowski, and carried unanimously by roll -call vote, that the <br />( warrants, as presented, in the amount of SIXTEEN THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED EIGHT <br />v DOUARS, AND FORTY -BIGHT CENTS ($16,108.48) be approved, and the City Clerk - <br />Treasurer be authorised to draw the appropriate warrants. <br />- 7 - <br />