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PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL <br />` Honorable Town Council <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, Ca. 94022 <br />Res Legal Opinion re Resolution No. 458 as Amended <br />Gentlemen: <br />At Councilman Kubby's request the following is my <br />legal opinion in regard to the legality of the "Sewer Policy" <br />contained in Resolution No. 458, as amended. In that regard, <br />it is my considered opinion, after reviewing Resolution No. 458, <br />as amended, that the Sewer Policy contained therein is illegal <br />and void for the following reasons: (................) <br />It is respectfully recormmended that resolution No. 458 <br />as amended, be rescinded forthwith. If there are any questions <br />concerning the aforesaid opinion, I will be most happy to meet <br />with the Council at your convenience, to discuss the same. <br />Very truly yours, <br />/S/ Jeremiah J. Lynch <br />for WILSON, JONES, MORTON dNLYNCH <br />Mayor Helgesson closed the discussion, noting it would be discussed and possible <br />action would be agended for the next regular meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />REPORT A14D RECO1001DATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC PROTECTION COMMISSION RE POLICE SERVICE. <br />Public Protection Commission Chairman Robert C. Cheney reported on the Commission's <br />study of police protection for the Town of Los Altos Hills. In summary, the <br />majority opinion endorsed an 8 man/24 hour/7 day police force. This would provide <br />two man on day and swing shift and one on the night shift. Initial budget was <br />estimated to be $170,000* but contracting of communications would be additional. <br />The amount included capital outlay for mobile radios and vehicles but not housing <br />facilities. Council discussion noted that start-up costs would be approximately <br />double the current outlay for police protection. <br />Council expressed appreciation to the Commission for their comprehensive report <br />and agreed to agenda further discussion for the May 15th meeting. <br />Due to the late hour, Council discussion evolved around whether the remainder of <br />the agenda be continued to the following night. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Robby moved, seconded by Davey and car- <br />ried unanimously that all remaining agenda items except Unscheduled Items No. 5 <br />and 11 be continued to May 2, 1972. <br />*********** <br />-4- <br />