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'issue is to revoke Resolution No. 458 prior to the Court's determination of the <br />pending litigation Involving Sewer Assessment District No. 9. He stated he believed <br />p SAD #9 was proper and should have been accomplished at the time the Palo Alto sewer <br />contract was negotiated. However he noted, with the existence of Resolution No. 458, <br />If SAD #9 were overturned by the Court, there would never again be an opportunity for <br />SAD #9 to form since again there would result a majority protest and politically <br />there would not be the necessary 4/5th vote to override that protest. <br />In reference to the "dire results that would come about, should the Town Sewer Policy <br />be abandoned", he Illustrated the fallaciousness of these arguments by noting SAD #3 <br />was formed nearly five years ago and there has not been any multiple housing develop- <br />ment within SAD #3 nor any push to have such because sewers are avallabe there to <br />those who have large tracts for development within that area. <br />Councilman Kubby stated the charge that the Bonding authorities made a contrary opin- <br />ion In the formation of Sewer Assessment District No. 4 from that expressed by Mr. J. <br />Lynch in his confidential letter, was unsubstantiated. He noted that this assessment <br />district Included 100% of the benefited property within Its area and there was not a <br />question of someone being excluded because they did not wish to join the district and <br />with that participation there was nothing wrong with the formation of SAD #4. <br />Councilmen Davey and Miller concurred with Councilman Kubby's sentiments and noted <br />the major problem facing the Town is the $110,000 due to the City of Palo Alto on <br />July 1, 1972. Councilman Miller stated it was imperative to rescind Resolution No. <br />458 as it relates to the SAD 19 litigation; she also made a personal plea to Mr. L. <br />Dawson (plaintiff in the suit) to withdraw his legal action against the formation of <br />SAD #9. <br />lhier Councilman Grabowski and Mayor Helgesson reaffirmed their support of the current <br />Town Sewer Policy as defined in Resolution No. 458. <br />L.. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Kubby moved, seconded by Davey that Resolu- <br />tion No. 45B as amended be rescinded carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: <br />Councilman Davey, Kubby and Miller; Noes: Councilman Grabowski and Mayor Helgesson. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 8: <br />PENDING L� E I— SAVE MATTERS - COUNCILMAN GRABOWSKI. <br />Councilman Grabowski reviewed pending legislation before the State Senate and Assembly <br />,-DJOURNMENT: <br />Due to the late hour, Mayor Helgesson adjourned the meeting at 11:56 P.M. to a Regular <br />Adjourned Meeting on May 16, 1972 at 7:45 P.M. for the purpose of completing all the <br />Unscheduled Items and the balance of other Items on this May 15, 1972 agenda which <br />would be combined with the previously scheduled Special hWeting called for discussion <br />of the 1972-73 Budget. <br />SC <br />Submitted by, <br /> <br />TED J. KLUZEK <br />City Clerk -Treasurer <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />