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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />BUILDING SITE APPROVAL FOR THREE LOTS ON LA LOMA DRIVE. <br />APPLICANT: COLIN PETERS <br />Staff reviewed the June 12th Planning Commission discussion and their <br />.`, recommended check list. Council discussion ensued with floor comments <br />heard from Mr. W. Powell representing Mr. Peters. Council concurred that <br />in lieu of undergrounding utilities, the power poles could be moved down <br />the hill providing it was acceptable to P.G.&B. <br />MDTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Miller and carried unanimously that the request for Building Site Approval <br />(BSA 81-72) for 3 lots on La Loma Drive be approved in accordance with the <br />amended check list dated June 19, 1972, <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE IN REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 30' to 15' FOR SWItMLING <br />POOL AT 24292 ELISE COURT. APPLICANT: JON BAUMGARTNER <br />Staff reviewed the June 12th Planning discussion and their recommended <br />approval. Council Concurred. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Miller moved, seconded by <br />Grabowski and carried unanimously that the variance request of Jon <br />Baumgartner (V373-72) for reduction of rear yard setback from 30' to 15' <br />be approved in accordance with the six criteria of the Tann Is Municipal <br />Code, Section 9-5.905 (b). <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO, 6: <br />PENDING LEGISLATIVE MATTERS - COUNCILMAN GRABCWSKI. <br />Councilman Grabowski stated their was strong bipartisan support for <br />AS -681 (Environmental) but he expressed his opposition, as well as the <br />League of California Cities. He felt passage of this bill would further <br />breakdown local autonomy. Council discussion ensued with no unanimity <br />of support. Notion by Councilman Kubby, seconded by Davey to support <br />AB -681 failed. <br />Councilman Grabowski reviewed SB -874 regarding a cities liability resulting <br />from residential construction which has been accomplished in violation of <br />the building code. The City Attorney advised against support of this <br />proposed legislation. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Kubby and carried unanimously that Senator Bradley be advised that the <br />Town opposed SB -874. <br />Council concurred to urge Assemblyman Hayden that AB -2358 be amended to <br />include counties of one million or more to charge cities only for those <br />services contracted and not general overhead costs incurred regardless <br />whether the County had contracted with a city for services. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Ku by an carried unanimously to reaffirm opposition to SB -437 allowing <br />permanent habitation of campers end trailers. <br />Council concurred to authorize the Mayor to reaffirm the Town Is support for <br />revenue sharing. Councilman Miller requested and Council concurred that <br />pending completion of an Environmental Impact Study, any improvement <br />proposed to the Dumbarton Bridge be deferred. <br />-3- <br />