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UNSCHEDULED ITEM HO 1. <br />REVIEW AND ACTIO1f OF "FACT LETTER" ON SEVERS. <br />Deputy Mayor Davey stated Councilman Kubby's initial draft letter had <br />been reviewed by Councilmen Miller and herself and the City Manager and <br />the new draft incorporates suggestions and changes proposed by them. <br />Councilman Grabowski presented his proposed changes. Following discussion, <br />Council agreed changes were incorporated. Council concurred that the <br />letter be prepared for Mayor Holgesson's signature and upon his approval, <br />that it be sent out. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Kubby moved, seconded by <br />Grabowski and carried by unanimous roll call vote, that pending approval <br />of the Mayor, the revised letter be distributed prior to the July 10th <br />meeting and that $150.00 be appropriated for its expense. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2• <br />DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON THE CR ATION OF AN "ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING <br />COMMISSION" AND THE REORGANIZATION OF TOWN COMMITTEES. <br />Councilman Miller reviewed her proposal to create an "Environmental <br />Planning Commission" and requested Council action be withheld to allow <br />the City Attorney to review and prepare the plan in accordance with the <br />State Map Act and also to allow Mayor Helgesson to be present to <br />participate in the discussion. Her suggestions to reorganize Town <br />Committees included creation of a new "Beautification Committee" and a <br />"Variance Review Board" which along with the Noise Abatement Committee <br />would report directly to the "Environmental Planning Commission." She <br />recommended Mr. Bob Stutz, Mrs. Charles Giesler, Miss Sue Roth and Miss <br />Kim Black be appointed to the Pathway Committee and that Mrs. E. L. <br />Ginzton be appointed to a special capacity on the Committee to seek <br />funding for bicycle paths. <br />Council concurred to agenda this item for discussion at the next Council <br />meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />REQUEST FROM TORN ENGINEER FOR ACCEPTANCE OF GAS TAX PROJECT #23 AND <br />AUTHORIZE RELEASE OF THE 10% OF THE CONTRACT PRICE. <br />The Town Engineer reviewed that all work had been completed on Gas Tax <br />Project #23 which paved Altamont Road between Mt. Helen and Natoma Road <br />and is now ready for acceptance. Town Engineer Jerry Crabtree recommended <br />that the work be accepted and the 10% retention that the Town is holding <br />on this project be released to the Contractor. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AMD CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Kubby and carried unanimously that Gas Tax Project #23 street improvements <br />be accepted, and that the Clerk be authorized to release the remaining <br />10% retention of the cost to the Contractor. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM 110. 4: <br />APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS TO THE ADVISORY HOUSING COMMITTEE, A <br />SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING POLICY COMMITTEE. <br />Staff stated that the Town had been requested to participate in the actions <br />of the Advisory Housing Committee by appointing representatives from <br />both the Council and the Planning Commission. Council concurred that <br />Councilman Miller be named this representative and Councilman Kubby be <br />appointed alternate, and that Commissioner Mueller be appointed Planning <br />Commission representative. <br />-4- <br />