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Regular Meeting MInutes
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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7 (cont.) <br />(Special Meeting June 16, 1972). Speaking from the floor, Mrs. Pat Standring <br />Of the Path Committee noted that their Committee had not yet had an opportun- <br />ity to contact their members to present their recommended appointees. <br />Councilman Grabowski stated he was unaware of any proposal to replace Mrs. <br />Saviano as Chairman and noted since she also was unaware -"This was rather <br />cruel and unusual treatment" and perhaps this proposal should be by "advice <br />and consent" of Council. He asked that this matter be placed on the agenda <br />for discussion at the next meeting. Mayor Helgesson agreed,but noted it did <br />not appear that there was Council concurrence to do so. <br />Motion, Seconded and Carried: Councilman Miller moved, seconded by Council- <br />man Davey that Mmes. Sue Roth, Kim Black, Natalie Gieseler and Artemas <br />Ginzton be appointed to the Pathway Committee, that the Environmental Quality <br />Control Committee be renamed The Noise Abatement Committee, and that Mr. <br />Robert Stutz be named as Chairman of the Pathway Committee carried by the <br />following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Davey, Kubby and Miller. <br />Noes: Councilmen Grabowski and Mayor Helgesson. <br />Councilman Grabowski requested that the record show he objected to this <br />combined motion; that he favored the renaming of the Noise Abatement <br />Committee, but not the proposed appointments as he neither knew the <br />individuals nor their qualifications and further he disapproved of usurping <br />the Mayor's prerogative for making Committee appointments. <br />Motion, Seconded and Carried: Councilmen Kubby moved, seconded by Miller <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 672, a <br />resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills, expressing <br />gratitude and thanks to Mrs. Saviono for her years of service as Chairman <br />of the Pathway Committee and the expressing the desire that she continue to <br />serve on the Committee,fulfilling that function of which she is very capable. <br />Council concurred to agenda for next meeting discussion of committee member- <br />ship, structure, tenure, chairmanships and method of appointments. <br />Mr. Robert Cheney, President of the Los Altos Hills Association, stated <br />that he had heard numerous uncomplimentary comments about the newly elected <br />Council members, but he had tried to keep an open mind and give these <br />Councilmen the benefit of the doubt, but after their apparent disregard <br />tonight for the Town's best interests, the Association would have to watch <br />the actions of this Council very closely. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 8: <br />DISCUSSION AND ACTION CN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR SHERTFF"S PATROL <br />1972-73 FISCAL YEAR. <br />Staff reviewed that all contract cities had been requested by the County to <br />amend their current contracts for police services to reflect salary adjust- <br />ments to be effective August 14, 1972. Council discussion concurred with the <br />request but objections were expressed to the inclusion of overhead costs for <br />provision of this police protection. <br />Motion, Seconded and Carried: Councilmen hubby moved, seconded by Grabowski <br />and carried unanimously to amend the 1972-73 Sheriff's contract to reflect <br />salary adjustments to be effected August 14, 1972, with the express objection <br />to inclusion of overhead costs incurred for provision of this protection. <br />-4- <br />
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