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4W <br />SCHEDULED ITEM 110. 9: <br />PENDING LBGISLATIVE HATTERS - COUNCOLMAN GRABOWSKI <br />This item was continued to July 24, 1972. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM No. 1: <br />buMMR SCHOOL PROGRAM - PURISSIMA SCHOOL <br />Mr. Jim Carter of the City of Los Altos, explained the proposed summer <br />recreation program that they would administer at Purissima School in which <br />all Los Altos Hills children could participate. Following the presentation, <br />the Council concurred to approve the expenditure of $1,000.00 on the warrant <br />list to allow continuation of the summer recreation program at Purissima <br />School, since it was no longer being provided by the Los Altos School District <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />COUNTY BIM RWTE, PHA56 III REPORT. <br />Staff reviewed the Planning Commission discussion of June 19th and their <br />recommendation to approve the County Bike Route with the change that Fremont <br />Road be utilized rather than Manuella and Moody to Altamont to Page Mill. <br />Council concurred and requested Staff to send these recommendations back <br />to the County. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />REQUEST FOR LITIGATION SESSION - A. A. Lagorio. <br />council concurred that the City Attorney should set a mutually acceptable <br />date for a litigation session with Mr. Lagorio, who represents Adobe Creek <br />Properties, etal. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITE14 NO. 4: <br />REQUEST FROM FIRE MARSHAL TO ABATE FIRE HAZARD. <br />Staff reviewed two parcels,considered by <br />fire hazards and requesting that they be <br />proceed in accordance with the Municipal <br />to take the necessary action to abate the <br />and charge the property owner, <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />FISCAL YEAR 197 -7 TOPICS ALLOCATION. <br />the Fire Marshal as containing <br />abated. Staff was directed to <br />Code advising the property owners <br />hazard and,if not,the Town would <br />Staff stated that,pursuant to previous indication by the Council to exchange <br />the topics allocation of $5,995. with the County at $0.95 on the dollar, a <br />sample agreement to this effect, and a resolution authorizing the Mayor to <br />sign, had been provided by the County and approval was requested. Council <br />concurred to act under Resolutions, later in the agenda. <br />-5- <br />