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UNSCHEDULED TIEN NO. 6: <br />kw RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION TO COUNCIL TO PROCEED WITH PUBLIC <br />HEARINGS CN PROPOSED REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE. <br />Staff reviewed the June 26th Planning Commission meeting ,when they had <br />unanimously recommended to request the Council to proceed with hearings on <br />the proposed revised Zoning Ordinance by instructing the City Attorney to <br />review the draft and ordering Public Hearings,held before the Planning <br />Commission, with recommendations to the City Council. <br />Lengthy Council discussion ensued as to the desirability in proceeding with <br />public hearings on the proposed zoning revision, in view of the likely <br />ramifications of the proposed reorganization of the Planning Commission - not <br />yet definitized. Council finally concurred that the Town Planner should <br />proceed with a substantive revision of the zoning ordinance for a public <br />hearing as soon as possible; that staff should study and prepare a draft of <br />the amendments to the Code for Commission reorganization as soon as possible; <br />and that a public hearing be set for 8:00 P.M. on July 26th to consider <br />extension of the slope density ordinance. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />EIRE PATH ALUHG VIG14ALATS PROPERTY (DORI LANE). <br />Staff stated Mr. Vignalats and his neighbors continue to object to the <br />paving of a small stretch of bike path along IS 280, on the grounds that <br />this will increase the nuisance of motorcycles using the easement. Mr. <br />Vignalats requested that he be allowed to make an in -lieu payment to the <br />Pathway Fund, which would be $1,656.40 for the 331.28 feet involved, and <br />that the Town construct the entire stretch at a future date. <br />Council discussion noted that motorcyclists preferred natural trails to <br />paved paths and did not agree that the paved easement would generate <br />additional cycle traffic. Since it was considered an integral part of the <br />path system, the majority of the Council considered this paving was desirable. <br />Motion, Seconded and Carried: Councilmen Grabowski moved, seconded by Miller <br />and carried by majority vote (Davey, voting No) that Mr. Vignalats appeal <br />to pay in -lieu path fees rather than install a paved path be denied. <br />ITSK IR. 8:NETF <br />ONE YEAR EXTENSION TO FILE FINAL MAP - RICHARD FOWLER (376-71). <br />Staff reviewed that this 3 -lot subdivision,bounded by the proposed Matadero <br />Oaks Subdivision on three sides, and Mirmirou Drive on the fourth, was <br />approved on May 17, 1971 and expires November 17, 1972. The applicant's <br />engineer requested a one-year extension to file the final map. Council <br />concurred. <br />Motion, Seconded and Carried: Councilmen Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski <br />and carried unanimously to grant a one-year extension to November 17, 1973, <br />` for filing the Final Map of Richard Fowler (376-71) for a 3 -lot subdivision. <br />am <br />