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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />REQUEST FOR VARIANCE (V-375-72) TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM <br />60' TO 32+ AND SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 30' TO 27' FOR NEW RESIDENCE <br />ON LOT #28, TRACT #3306 (YALE COURT). APPLICANT: CHARLES L. OSBORN <br />Staff presented report and recommendation to the Planning Commission, <br />stating that the Planning Commission has recommended the granting of <br />this variance. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Mayor Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />man Miller and carried unanimously that Variance 375-72 for Charles L. <br />Osborn be approved. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 6: <br />PROPOSED MORATORIUM ON SWIMMING POOL AND TENNIS COURT VARIANCES. <br />Councilman Kubby disqualified himself from sitting on this item as he <br />has a variance application for a tennis court pending before the City <br />Council. He vacated his seat as Councilman. Councilman Grabowski then <br />proposed that the City Council adopt a sixty day (60) moratorium on <br />granting variances for swimming pools and tennis courts to allow the <br />Planning Commission adequate time to revise their "criteria" for granting <br />such variances. Planning Commission Chairman Tom McReynolds spoke from <br />the floor on this subject. <br />After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Grabowski, <br />seconded by Mayor Helgesson, to establish a sixty day moritorium on the <br />issuance of variances for swimming pools and tennis courts. A roll call <br />vote resulted in AYES: Mayor Helgesson, Councilmen Grabowski, and NOES: <br />Councilmen Davey and Miller. The motion did not pass. <br />MOTION, SECC6DED AND CARRIED: Councilmen Miller moved, seconded by Gra- <br />bowski, and carried unanimously that this question of "criteria" for the <br />granting of variances for swimming pools and tennis courts be referred back <br />to the Planning Commission for more study. Councilman Kubby abstained <br />from voting. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />REQUEST FOR VARIANCE IN SIDE YARD SET BACK (V-373-72) FROM 30' TO 17' ON <br />THE EAST, AND FROM 30' TO 13' ON THE SOUTH FOR TENNIS COURT, AMD TO PERMIT <br />10' HIGH FENCE WITHIN SETBACKS AT 10520 SUNDOWN CANYON WAY. APPLICANT: <br />RALPH PELLIGRA. <br />Staff reported on the application and the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission, stating that the Planning Commission recommended the granting <br />of this variance. Discussion ensued at Council level regarding the height <br />of the wall and fence needed to place the tennis court in the area shown <br />on the plan. It was also noted that a drainage ditch would go under one <br />corner of the proposed tennis court, and the septic tank drain field would <br />t be very close to a cut -bank above the tennis court. <br />-3- <br />