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RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) <br />4W of the Resolutions to be adopted, that the reading of the title and a <br />summary of the contents would be sufficient for them to take action. <br />Mr. Assaf presented Resolution No. 673, a resolution determining to undertake <br />proceedings pursuant to Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts for the <br />acquisition and construction of improvements without proceedings under <br />Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilmen Kubby moved, seconded by Davey. <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote that Resolution No. 673 be adopted. <br />Mr. Assaf presented Resolution No. 674, a resolution appointing attorneys. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilmen Davey moved, seconded by Miller <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote that Resolution No. 674 be adopted. <br />Mr. Assaf presented Resolution No. 675, a resolution requesting consent of <br />ti:a Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara to the exercise of <br />extra -territorial jurisdiction to undertake proceedings for the acquisition <br />and construction of public improvements and to provide that the costs shall <br />be assessed upon the district benefited, under appropriate special assess- <br />ment and assessment bond acts. <br />NOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilmen Davey moved, seconded by Miller <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote that Resolution No. 675 be adopted. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />U"S!USSION OF THE STRUCTURE, TERM AND MEMBERSHIP OF TOWN CCMMITTBE. <br />Mayor Helgesson presented a draft of a proposed ordinance which had been <br />prepared by the staff and which spelled -out the conditions of creating <br />standing committees, detailing their responsibilities, their membership and <br />their operation. During the discussion at Council level, Councilman <br />Grabowski covered the advisability and the need for adopting such an ordin- <br />ance. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion was made by Councilman Kubby, seconded <br />by Grabowski and carried by unanimous roll call vote to refer this draft <br />ordinance to the Reorganization Committee, <br />Comments from the floor were made by Mrs. Judy Carico, Mrs. Lorraine Foster, <br />Mrs, Millie Saviano, Mrs. Pat Standring, Mrs. Teddy Schick, Mrs. Florence <br />Fava, Dr, Ivan Grossman, and Mr. William Downing. <br />Mayor Helgesson then read a letter from Mrs. Saviano in which she stated <br />she would remain on the Pathway Committee as requested. <br />Meeting adjourned to Personnel and Litigation Session. <br />Meeting reconvened to regular session. <br />-5- <br />