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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:39:42 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 2:34:15 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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M <br />SCHBDUIBD ITEM NO. 10: <br />ACTION ON 1972-73 BUDGET <br />The City Manager reviewed his request for a 5.5% cost -of -living increase <br />for all Town employees, indicating that this recommendation has been worked <br />into the proposed budget, as well as merit increases of 5% for the positions <br />Of City Clerk, Town Engineer, one Maintenanceman, and one Secretary -Steno. <br />The City Manager requested that the Council set the salary schedule for the <br />IT72-73 budget to be effective July 1, 1972 and, due to the lateness of the <br />h:�—z, consideration on the balance of the budget be continued to the next <br />",t cng. <br />rdN, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilmen Davey moved, seconded by Or^%owski <br />carried unanimously by roll call vote to take Ordinance #197 out o_ <br />and consider it at this time. The City Attorney read the title of <br />C-oi.uance #197 and Ordinance setting the salaries for Fiscal Year 197:-73. <br />M:�rION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion was made by Councilmen Davey, seconded <br />by Grabowski, and carried unanimously to waive further reading. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion was made by Councilmen Davey, seconded <br />by Grabowski, and carried unanimously by roll call vote that the 1972-73 <br />budget be placed early on the next agenda, and be given one hour for <br />discussion, and that cuts and supplements be considered at that time, and <br />that Ordinance #195, an ordinance adopting the budget for 1972-73, and <br />Ordinance #196, an ordinance setting the tax rates for Fiscal Year 1972-73 <br />be considered at the next meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL TO HEAR APPEAL <br />OF MR. JOHN I. QUIMBY. <br />Staff presented the background information on this request and recommended <br />that the Council set this matter for a public hearing at the next meeting. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilmen Davey moved, seconded by Miller <br />and carried unanimously that this item be set for public hearing at the <br />next regular Council meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: Continued to next meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />DISCUSSION Or ORDINANCE TO INCREASE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX.. <br />Staff has requested that the Town consider adopting an ordinance which would <br />require the payment of a local Real Estate Transfer Tax on the sale of all <br />property within the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilmen Davey moved, seconded by Kubby, <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote to direct the City Attorney to <br />prepare a draft of an ordinance which is to be placed on the next Council <br />agenda for discussion, public hearing, and adoption. <br />-6- <br />
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