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7 <br />Due to the late hour, Council --iscussien ensue, reDarding adjournment <br />to a special meetinU. i:ot'_on L -y Councilmen Grabows'.A, seconded by <br />i:flier to adjourn to '_'hursday, Au;,ust 24 at 7:45 was !Ath raven. Since <br />all proposed meetin- crates were in conflict to cne or ¢:lore Councilmen, <br />Council concurre�_', to proceed with the agende. <br />SCI DUL7D !T:: 110. 4: <br />k.:}0?I'IOIT OF 1972-7S :MG27 <br />Council concurre- 'to _ef-er this item to the Ceptember 5, 1972 Council <br />meeting. <br />UI'SC=ULLiD IT7,' I'C. 1: <br />_EQUEST FM CITY COU'CIL TO DZSIGIiATE h VCTIl?^ ,.a'_: SE__/,TTIVE A",?D Ai, <br />ALT_'SMITATE FG=, _i: AI NAL COI?FE- IICE IF OCTOD:..- <br />..DTIOI?, SECOIDD;D k ".D C6: Si D: Councilman. _.filler mo7ed, seconCeO by <br />Davey and carries' unanimously that Mayor Y.elgesson be the -noting <br />representative for the annual League of California Cities Conferencets <br />business Cession to be held in AncheiL, October 15-1-D, 1972. <br />_.OTIGr?, SECOND= A17:D Councilman Dr-,ey moves, e once:: by <br />:tubby and c rrie unanimously that Ccuncilman 'filler be the alternate <br />for this 2usiness Session. <br />M=IJ:DULED ITS: :".3. 2: <br />_ 4UDST POP, i. WE (1) `l"..A^, ... MTSIO:: TO FILD F!"AL ::AP FC. LLIMS OF <br />COSTLLO <br />. [CTIOU, ..?COi A:i:i .....,:,I3D: Councilrr Davey moved, seconded by <br />:cabby dna carried unanimously to errant the recuest for a. one (1) year <br />extension to e.crsst 18, 1972 to file the final nap for Lands of <br />Costello (363-69). <br />U[i3C'r I:DUL..,J IT "C: . 3: <br />ADCFTIOI? OF "Ii?T3.,.li[ OPE:? SPACs FLAI?° <br />Councilman Tubby no-ne3, secondee by <br />Davey to refer the Interim Open Sprce rlrn bac: <br />