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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1 {Cont.} <br />Mayor Helgesson introduced Senator Bradley who talked on the concept of <br />%t tree culture and outlined the interstate system 560, 680 and 280 loop <br />W and the types of nmise screens being tried and used along these routes. <br />Senator Bradley felt high density planting would give more relief <br />than some people feel it would. In reply to Councilman Davey+s question <br />regarding ]nwering the speed limit and limiting trucking hours, Senator <br />Bradley felt it would he difficult to enforce the hour limitation/use <br />and felt that the grades on IS280 are a discouraging factor for large <br />trucks. Councilman Miller asked the Senator if he would support a <br />program for the Town to become a pilot prnject and he replied he would <br />be delighted to do so. <br />Mr. F. Logan, representing Assemblyman Hayden, spoke in support of the <br />Town and said Assemblyman Hayden plans to cnntinue to work with the <br />Council and Staff. Mr. Logan felt Assemblyman Hayden would support a <br />pilot project. <br />Councilman Miller felt there were three major problems: visual pollutior <br />nolse abatement and what does the Town want for an end result. Council- <br />man Miller stated she could not favor an assessment district. <br />Counciloasked Senator Bradley if he would apprnach the State with the <br />idea for the State to start their part of the landscaping even though <br />the Town wasn+t prepared to start their portion of planting. The <br />Senator said he would. <br />E Councilman Grabowski stated he agreed with Senator Bradley that somethinc_ <br />�/ should be done as early as possible. He also stated he was in favor of <br />forming an assessment district and urged the Council to consider this <br />matter. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Miller moved, seconded by <br />Davey and passed unanimously to ask Senator Bradley and Assemblyman <br />Hayden for their assistance In approaching the State Highway Commission <br />to proceed with the landscaping along IS280. <br />RECESS: 9:35 P.M. <br />RECONVENE: 9:45 P.M. <br />CHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />PRESENTATION FROM MR. WILLIAM ZION OF BAXTER, Mc DONALD AND COMPANY <br />Mr. Zion of Baxter, McDonald and Company gave a verbal progress report <br />on the Management Consultant0s Study. Although they are not yet ready <br />for specific recommendations, there are areas in which Mr. Zion felt he <br />could comment on at this time. Mr. Zion briefly spoke about office <br />space improvements, financial Otightening-up+ and improvements of main- <br />tenance record keeping. <br />Mayor Helgesson asked if there will be a formal report by the next <br />`Council meeting and Mr. Zinn replied he hoped the report would be <br />✓ completed by then. <br />-3- <br />