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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1 (Cont.) <br />re the revenue the cities can generate --very little revenue that Los Altos Hills <br />could generate and she stated her interest in the Urban Service Area Concept. <br />Councilman Lavey wondered„from the census tract of 1970, if anyone in Los Altos Hills <br />could qualify for subsidized or low-cost housing. She was also interested in the <br />factor eliminated by the committee --job availability in the community. <br />Mayor Helgesson stated that the Planning Commission had been studying this project <br />for some time and,as there were no further questions,he would like to turn the <br />presentation over to Commissioner Parkins. Commissioner Parkins referred to the <br />written document,submitted to the Council,and gave a summation of the Commission's <br />recommendations to the City Council. After Commissioner Perkihb presentation, <br />Mr. Rreeland responded with arguments on behalf of the County. <br />Councilman Davey asked to continue this item to give the Coundil further time to <br />study the Commission's recommendations. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Kubby moved, seconded by Davey to adopt <br />and forward the recommendations to the Santa Clara County Planning Policy Committee <br />and all other interested agencies;carrled by unanimous roll call vote. <br />RECESS: 10:15 P.M. <br />Councilman Kubby excused himself at this time. <br />RECONVENE: 10:25 P.M. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />BUILDING SITE APPROVAL FOR ONE LOT ON ROBLEDA ROAD AT FURISSIMA ROAD (BSA -91-72) <br />APPLICANT: MAX A. BLEISCH <br />Staff reviewed the request for Building Site Approval stating that the Planning <br />Commission, at their November 13 meeting, recommended that this building site <br />approval be granted, subject to the conditions of the Check List,and determined that <br />the environmental impact in granting this building site approval is trivial. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Lavey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously to approve Building Site Approval for Max A. Bleisch (BSA -91-72) <br />for one lot on Robleda Road at Purissima Road in accordance with the Check List, <br />dated November 13, 1972,and that the Erironmental Impact is trivial. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />BUILDING SITE APPROVAL FOR ONE LOT (LOT NO. 2, TRACT N0. 4774) ON EDGERTON ROAD <br />(HSA -92-72) APPLICANT: HOWARD S. BOBB <br />Staff reviewed the request for buil&_r; site approval, stating that the Planning <br />Commission, at their November 13 meeting, recommended that this building site <br />approval be granted, subject to the conditions of the Check List and determined <br />that the environmental impact in granting this building site approval is trivial. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Miller and <br />carried unanimously to approve Building Site Approval for Howard S. Robb (SSA -92-72) <br />for one lot (Lot No. 2, Tract No. 4774) on Edgerton Road in accordance with the <br />`,.. Check List,dated November 13, 1972,and that the Environmental Impact is trivial. <br />-3- <br />